The Associated Press is cowering in shame after being exposed for this massive character assassination of J.D. Vance

Democrats’ media allies are doing everything they can to stop Donald Trump and J.D. Vance from being elected.  It’s clear that most media outlets are giving Kamala Harris a pass while holding Republicans to a [...]


  1. As usual, the leftist propaganda machine , the main stream media, proved again how much they are the true enemy of us, we the people. AP showed what lying scum the msm truly is. Wake up everybody and keep calling them out on all their lies. We the people are sick of them

    • The AP is just a small part of the lying political machine Kamala Harris and the whole Democrat Party has every intention of ruling/dominating this country with. The news media has never been less trustworthy than ever in our history.

    • No surprise the LameStreamMisleadia FAKE NEWS LIARS are pumping out more blatant lies!
      There are also dozens of antiTrump websites pumping out HOURLY TDS HATE LIES videos on youtube and elsewhere… most of the ‘commenters’ there may be A.I. since they don’t respond if you respond to them… many claiming to be Trump haters off in/representing foreign countries…

  2. It’s concerning that so many supposedly “News people” would rather lie to the public than seek to tell the factually correct truth.

  3. The true colors of the associated press were shown a long time ago!
    There was a time when you could believe what they reporting, but not
    any more. It’s a shame!

  4. The heading of this article says that AP is cowering in shame. I seriously doubt that. They will continue to misquote and out and out lie when given the chance again. They, as well as other main stream media, have no shame and no morals. The lies get them more ratings and they don’t care who they hurt. Any retractions are probably obscured in tiny print and buried in some insignificant section. Lawsuits need to start pouring in for defamation of character. Hit them where it hurts.

  5. The heading of this article says that AP is cowering in shame. I seriously doubt that. They will continue to misquote and out and out lie when given the chance again. They, as well as other main stream media, have no shame and no morals. The lies get them more ratings and they don’t care who they hurt. Any retractions are probably obscured in tiny print and buried in some insignificant section. Lawsuits need to start pouring in for defamation of character. Hit them where it hurts. The heading of this article says that AP is cowering in shame. I seriously doubt that. They will continue to misquote and out and out lie when given the chance again. They, as well as other main stream media, have no shame and no morals. The lies get them more ratings and they don’t care who they hurt. Any retractions are probably obscured in tiny print and buried in some insignificant section. Lawsuits need to start pouring in for defamation of character. Hit them where it hurts. The heading of this article says that AP is cowering in shame. I seriously doubt that. They will continue to misquote and out and out lie when given the chance again. They, as well as other main stream media, have no shame and no morals. The lies get them more ratings and they don’t care who they hurt. Any retractions are probably obscured in tiny print and buried in some insignificant section. Lawsuits need to start pouring in for defamation of character. Hit them where it hurts. The heading of this article says that AP is cowering in shame. I seriously doubt that. They will continue to misquote and out and out lie when given the chance again. They, as well as other main stream media, have no shame and no morals. The lies get them more ratings and they don’t care who they hurt. Any retractions are probably obscured in tiny print and buried in some insignificant section. Lawsuits need to start pouring in for defamation of character. Hit them where it hurts. The heading of this article says that AP is cowering in shame. I seriously doubt that. They will continue to misquote and out and out lie when given the chance again. They, as well as other main stream media, have no shame and no morals. The lies get them more ratings and they don’t care who they hurt. Any retractions are probably obscured in tiny print and buried in some insignificant section. Lawsuits need to start pouring in for defamation of character. Hit them where it hurts.

  6. I believe the media should be charged for falsefying the facts. If they were help accountable then they would be more inclinded to print the facts instead of falsehoods. This is why I don’t listen to news on TV or subscribe to newspapers or news magazines.All news medias should be held accountable & charged for falsifying their statements.

  7. I believe the media should be charged for falsefying the facts. If they were help accountable then they would be more inclinded to print the facts instead of falsehoods. They should be charged with criminally with deformation of character.

  8. I no longer waste my time reading anything published by the Associated Press. I’ve had this personal policy since 2017, when I discovered the political articles being printed by the A.P. were false. The A.P. has discredited itself and ruined its credibility!

  9. They will print huge lies and when confronted with the truth they then will publish a small note in the back of the paper.

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