Secret Service leadership is in hot water after Jill Biden created this nightmare scenario

The Secret Service’s leadership is on the hot seat in the wake of the agency’s biggest failure in decades with the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. Now, the root of those security failures is leading [...]


  1. When I first saw that guy on the roof I instantly thought, why hasn’t the FBI cleared all points around that area of possible assassination attempts?! It amazed me how little protection Trump had being out in the open like that!

    • Who authorized the site? Was it selected for its poor ability to protect? The Secret Services job is to protect the President – not zone rings. Local cops had to protect 150 yards and out? Trump may be a Candidate but he is still a past President and should have the same protection as GW Bush, Clinton, Obama, and Carter. The controlling Dems did not drop the ball. They put the ball down and left the protection game.

        • Good Question. Jill Biden was trying to run the White House, due to Joe’s dementia…this is the reason for all the failures. Why would Jill get a detail over a President.

        • I believe Jill gas been acting President for a Long time now. She needs to go along with Cheatle. Birds of a feather, and all that!

  2. Who appointed the fake Dr. Jill to make qualified decisions about security for anyone. Since when was the president’s wife qualified to take over the party before passing muster. Just because she was the Moll of the Biden Crime Family? A party that gets dumber and dumber and meaner and meaner everyday. Let’s return to law and order and protocol in our great country.

  3. Sound pretty strange ti me that President Trum was not protected any better then he was. Why was Jill Biden more important then President Trump

  4. Jill Biden hired this unmoral unclass woman. Joe Biden says ok because Joe Biden knows better than to cross his alley cat wife. The Bidens put this woman in this job to destroy the secret service and its shows that they want President Trump dead. Putting untrained women who looked like chickens with their heads cut off running around like idiots! They had no idea what they were doing. Now they say there were three people shooting at President Trump. The head of the secret service says she not stepping down. What a ego to think you have a choice. Your done with your unamerican ways. Democrats better realize they are going to lose. Try cheating again and see what happens.

  5. What kind of politics are we playing. Who gave her authority to be the boss!! This has to be resolved BEFORE election day. This whole situation sucks.

  6. In the military this would be know as a cluster f___. You Could say the same for the entire biden team.

    • Kimberly being in the FBI at this high position is only because of the Biden administration giving priority to the woke DEI ideology rather to a person who might be much better qualified.

  7. They need to fire director of secret service director and maybe but Dan Bongino as director. He was in there for 12 years for Clinton , George w bush and Barry Obama. Jill Biden was wrong putting Kimberly from Pepsi Cola in that position. I didn’t realize she was Human Resources department.

  8. Democrats tried to abort Good Trump… view it as just another botched abortion… Democrats botch most things they touch… such as trying to end their own CRIME WAVE!

  9. First, Jill Biden should be brought up on charges of spousal abuse. 2. She should be brought up on charges of taking over an elected position with out the vote of the American people! She has overstepped her boundries for many years! A thorough investigation into everything she has onvolved herself into. Indict and prosecute to the full extent of the law!

  10. This attempt on the life of the Presidential candidate Donald Trump is BM looking more and more like a premeditated action to make sure that the Oval Office not be occupied by th one man elected by the American people! I believe an independent investigation be held. Having the Secret Service do their own “internal investigation” is like placing the fox to guard the hen house! Not smart move!

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