Watch and laugh as this high-powered Democrat makes the most insane feminist argument you’ve ever heard

Democrats have moved so far to the radical Left it’s getting more and more difficult to decipher between what is real and what is parody.  And unfortunately this is all too real.  But now you [...]


  1. The nice people who wear white outfits need to escort her to the vehicle that would take to the “LOONY BIN” !

  2. That old hippy needs a very long vacation to the looney farm. Why are people still voting for this loser? Test dummies for women? Aren’t you one of those people that can’t decide what a woman is? Just another example of old mental illness doing its thing in Congress. Stupidity roams free in Congress.

    • The age of lunacy is upon us a group of people that can’t describe a woman was female Gummies in cars. This woman at 81 is an example of how we need term limits. She is incapable of a irrational thought, and those who follow her and reelect her are as incapable as she

  3. What in the world is wrong with the idiots that keep voting this old has been into office. She is an outdated old dinosaurs and needs to be replaced. What a complete waste of tax payer money. FEMALE DUMMIES, I think she pretty much shows what they really a

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