UnitedHealth’s CEO made one post-assassination statement behind closed doors that will make your blood boil

Whether some people agree or not, the reality is that two things can be true at the same time. People can agree that murder is wrong, and they can also agree that health insurance companies [...]


  1. All Medical insurances should be NOT for profit organizations. Not necessary to be governed by the federal government but by a special medical commission selected/elected by the people, similar to our federal government.

  2. Having had an uncle who was a vice-president of a commercial insurance company. I was privy to many occasions when he would return home following a Board meeting, raving about their insensitivity. His conclusion to these cathartic outbursts would be to look at all within listening and say, “Never forget, insurance companies do NOT exist to serve the insured! They exist to make money for their stockholders!” There is a truth in his observation, a truth we have forgotten. Over time, we have, in their minds, become their inventory, replacing their actual inventory… funds. Unfortunately, shrinkage in this case is devastating and permanent! And it has a voice.

    The “shoplifter”, economy confuses us. Demand seems to increase as the economy worsens! Savings have been used for day to day living, so the insured rely on their “emergency savings” (insurance) when tragedies strike. But a security guard has caught the shoplifter and s struggle has ensued… which one will win?

  3. Health insurance exists to protect citizens from destructive financial losses , not to enrich investors and executives. When operating as a for profit business (United HC ), it serves only to increase costs for all at financial benefit of the few. The entire American healthcare system is bloated beyond reason serving clients at exorbitant cost. Total restructuring is badly needed.

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