Tucker Carlson made a triumphant return to Fox News that no one saw coming

Fox News made the shocking decision to fire its top-rated host, Tucker Carlson, last year. No one thought they would ever see him on the cable news network again.  And Tucker Carlson made a triumphant [...]


  1. The final decision on J.D. Vance did not come without very careful analysis. There were a lot of good people. The idea was who could best guarantee the most votes ruled in the end. Senator Vance, besides having better credentials than most, claims the number one behind the scenes winning stance that nobody expected. He supports the 2nd Amendment to the fullest capacity of preventing its compromise. He stated that He want’s the ATF abolished and Illegal firearms registration and Data Base info on American gun owners removed. Even leftist Democrats would appreciate that. Game over. Trump wins.

    • If only the part of the 2nd amendment were to show fruition, america would become a super nation again,all those aliens would now have to fear the American militia( peoples militia) we could round up all those illegals quickly & especially those who disapprove of our constitution. A clean up is necessary

      • If ever the call came to that, this country could show a force of patriots stepping up to the plate to easily clean up this immigrant fiasco. If it came to that. Let’s watch what Trump promises to clean this up. My thought on the matter would involve the military first. Either way, these miscreants need to be rounded up and vacated once and for all. The border secured and the agency bosses behind this all fired or held for treason plain and simple. We either have proper laws or ……..

  2. Tucker always to things the way they were. If you didn’t want to hear the truth, you didn’t ask Tucker.
    He got a raw deal from FOX.

  3. He should not have been let go for telling the truth BUT it did show that FOX dont mind lying to the ppl

  4. I no longer consider Fox a reliable source for unbiased news. Carlson needs to stay independent.

  5. All IS being REVEALED! President Trump 2024! Americans First 2024! MAGA and more 2024! Go Tucker Carlson Go expose them all!

  6. Picking J.D. Vance as his running mate was a super excellent decision by Donald Trump. I am confident that this choice will be SIGNIFICANT in the election, as well as the future of the USA.

  7. Picking J.D. Vance as his running mate was a super excellent decision by Donald Trump. I am confident that this choice will be SIGNIFICANT in the election, as well as the future of the USA.

  8. I used to watch Tucker all the time and I got more truth from him in 1 hour than I got from my local news in a whole week. Man I miss Tucker!

  9. Tucker was creating his own network and I was looking forward to that since that would be the only REAL truth network in existence. Going back to FOX will just put him under their rules and censorship. That will stop him doing his own network and his own thing. Not many watch FOX anymore, so it’s a step backwards for him. I liked his own show better. He came alive on it. He is more subdued on Fox.

    • Fox came back to reality. They were looooosing money and influence galore.
      So I’m sure that old papa Murdock came back and intervened and thus gave his inheritors a kind advice

    • I prefer the Tucker Carlson Network. Keeping your “enemies closer” is not always the best thing for anyone. I lived through it & got out of it.

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