Tim Walz was sweating bullets after this awful secret was exposed

Tim Walz had a lot of skeletons in his closet. Now that he’s on the national stage, they’re starting to leak out.  And Tim Walz was sweating bullets after this awful secret was exposed.  Walz [...]


  1. If we are to survive the current mess in this country and the challenges China presents to our economy, we must abandon the “Biden/Harris” stance. Trump has the gonads to stymie China’s incursion into our hemisphere and our businesses. Any protections by Harris/Walz have yet to be defined.

    • Yep, your 100% correct and Trump is the only not interested in filling his coffers with billions from selling out our nation. This kind of crap has been happening for years and if you remember it was Bill Clinton who signed away the vast majority of American manufacturing to the Chinese to the tune of 57000 manufacturing companies if I’m not wrong. Our governmenbt has been screwing us and many other countries for decades to weld more power, wealth , minerals and oil at any cost.

      • Resources is the word I was looking for and a good example of the corruption was when the Clintons went to Haiti. They supposedly brought billions in disaster aid when mysteriously disappeared before the people or Haiti’s government got it and wow they ended up with the controlling share of a large gold mine too!!!

    • Let me just say I hope Trump gets that chance. Clearly, Tampon Tim is fully ready to sell us out to the CCP, Afghanistans, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Syria, and so many more. Oh and we must not forget Russia. They want a ‘piece’ of us too! We’ve alreay ‘fed’ the world $billions in warfare technology/weapons left behind in ‘post-conflicts’.

  2. Just goes to show you if somebody is a democrap they will vote democrap even if they come out and burn your house down says:

    F the democraps

  3. China holds our auto industry hostage? OH, YES!!

    Thanks to Democrat passed one-way trade policies, China manufactured critical parts for Ford products. After TENS OF THOUSANDS of them hit the streets China stopped making those parts. Ford NEVER DID MAKE THEM.

    NOW, if that part fails and you can’t find one used in a junk yard, you own thousands of dollars worth of inert junk. It won’t start and won’t run. Ever again.


    Thanks Democrat/Communists and your stooges at Ford for another inside job of trashing America. And I, a disabled life-long US citizen am without desperately needed transportation thanks to the Democrat Party, Ford and COMMUNIST CHINA!

    • Trump is the solution and the answer. It’s as simple as that! POTUS 45-47 has a proven track record that will repair the damage incurred by the current administration once implemented. America thrived during Trumps first term, and we will again during the next MAGA Administration!

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