Tim Walz was madder than hell when a restaurant owner gave him this reality check

Tim Walz never received any serious scrutiny until he joined the Democrat Presidential ticket.  Now the American people are discovering what a disaster he truly is.  And Tim Walz was madder than hell when a [...]


  1. What sense is there to comment when the US Gov and State Gove and City Cops HIDE THE TRUTH and support ANTIVA, BLACK LIVES MATTER and OTHER criminals pretending to be on the side of the oppressed. All Cities, EAST, WEST. MIDWEST suffer when Government becomes
    political and supports these criminals by not prosecuting them as the written law Requires, you get CRIMINAL PROCECUTERS, DA, AG, FBI, CIA, HS, and so on

    • Whatever happened to upholding the laws of the U.S. Constitution against all enemies (criminals) foreign and domestic? Oh! Tampon Tim legitimized crime in his state. Prosecutors don’t have to even try to do their job. Just let lawlessness reign. Oh, yes, and he will do everything in his power as VP to do this nationwide. There will be a civil war exceeding anything similar to 1876.

      • Mike it won’t be a Civil War it will be a REVOLUTION to Free us from the Communist DemonRat Rule that we have been under for the past 12 years less the Trump years, even they they controlled the USA. it’s time to take our country back and Eliminate the Corrupt Communists destroy8ing this great country.

    • The Harris Waltz should be investigated. Harris has been a puppet for Soros and Obama for years. How much money has Soros donations to Harris as DA, AG, Senator in CA? Harris paid the bales and fines for the riot people that were released back into our communities. She used BLM donations money to support the criminals. She was Attorney General on the Bob Filner case in San Diego. Prayers for our Country. Soros and Obama have been selling us out to Chinese Military Communism for years.

  2. Just goes to show you if somebody is a democrap they will vote democrap even if they come out and burn your house down says:

    Hey MSM when you get bad reviews for the Dems you either show an erro or you dont show it at all. Anybody voting democrap should be put down

  3. This MESS can be laid at the feet of the Christian Church in the USA! We’re reaping what we have sowed: joining the world instead of teaching the Truth! Now, the Barbarians are running the country!!

    • The mess we are in is the fault of the US of A citizen voters (and, probably, a few cheaters sending in false ballots); though we should cut them some slack because many were so busy keeping body and soul together, along with feeding, clothing and sheltering their families that they did not have the time to really study the candidates, issues or pay attention to country and world events. Mostly, they aren’t even aware of what they can do to effect changes, other than voting and even then they are often limited to just the choices of the party hacks offered them.

    • Thank God my church isn’t like that. My Pastor teaches the truth straight out of the Bible. More churches should be like mine. We still use the KJV Bible, we still sing out of hymnals too. I love my church family.

  4. False Walz & Kommiela cannot be tolerated! Wea are in a war with kommunists & people had better wake up to this fact…..otherwise, one morning you’ll find yourself waking up under a kommie chink flag!……especially in states like Minnesota & where I live….Kolorado!

    • Their was a lot of ballot fraud in 2019. My area the pasteboard ballot boxes in 47 different schools. Library, District office, church, No security. Anyone could place a lot of ballots in the boxes or steal the ballots. Postoffice blue drop boxes were set on fire. Sawed open and mail stolen. The people harvesting names at the cemetery and used them on ballots. AZ is trying to allow caravan people to vote. Gewsome wants abestee ballots only in CA. More fraud. Pelosi is Gewsome aunt. Prayers for our Country.
      Trump 2020-2024 God Bless America

  5. Democrats foolishly believe their (D) politicians who promise all kinds of Free Stuff.

    Well, they got it. Criminals are loading up with that Free Stuff. Happy now, Auto(D) voters?

    Fortunately I live in Northern Minnesota where rule of law prevails yet, but that is slowly changing. MANY people are attempting to escape the chaos of the Twin Cities region and find peace and security in the out-state. Unfortunately some of them are bringing the bad attitudes with them.

  6. Democrats support the very worst in the character of people. If it is unacceptable behavior in society then Democrats are all for it. That is detrimental totally destructive to a good environment to raise families and to have thriving, growing societal good morals and values that help and not harm society. Producing bad , harmful, suspicious character and morals and values in society that are destructive to everyone’s peace, harmony and happiness and inspiration.

  7. i find this election to be the best show on the boob tube better than the young and restless
    there were no plans or policies shown on their website on what they will do if elected

    • I have relatives who moved to MN and love it there and fully and completely vote and support this liberal insanity. I pray for them but worry that is hopeless.

  8. News casters should learn AMERICA IS A REPUBLIC not a democracy and they should use the correct Republic when speaking of our country

  9. I pray each day for God to protect President
    Trump and for him to win this 2024 election so
    our country can once again be safe, prosperous,
    less stressful and whole.

  10. Even when Trump wins( which he will) the demonrats will refuse to certify him as president, and “ install” Harris, like they did Biden! That is the Obama agenda! We must fight back, stop the Obama agenda if we hope to save our country! VOTE MAGA all the way!

  11. Poor lil Timmy! He’s a communist puppet who spews lies and is just about as deceitful as Harris!
    Dear God open the eyes and minds of those that still want these commies to run our country. Bring to light those truths that are hidden in Jesus name!

  12. Well in Kankakee, Illinois, the riots Marched through the main street called Court Street, Kankakee, IL 60901! They all gathered in the near the Grave Yard where my Mom had releasably been in-turned, which was toward the back of the Grave Yard? There were about 18 very large head stones which is a family section! Each stone of the 15 were pulled or pushed off of there foundations, first they were spray painted, and then they were all knocked over? Now, each stone was large enough to cover 6 family members three on each side! So, 15 very large head stones where 6 loved ones were buried per grave stone, 15 times 6 loved ones each thats a total of 90 loved were vandalized by these Marchers? Now, I went and took pictures and I also video it then when I came home after crying and trying to calm down, I called the local News Paper called The Daily Journal, I left three different messages, and I was never contacted to have a story written about how upsetting it was to she my Mom’s, Dad’s His first wife, his only son and a son in law were all buried, there was one open grave for the Pops oldest Daughter next to her husband? This story wasn’t oublished because the Paper is own’d by DEMS? Why would any one want to disturb 90 Loved Ones Graves? What did the Graves have to do with their stupid March because a man resistant arrest?

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