Tim Walz made one awful confession on national TV that left Democrats shaking their heads

Tim Walz has come under fire for constantly lying about his biography.  He had a chance to end the controversies once and for all.  But Tim Walz made one awful confession on TV that left [...]


    • Lying, perversions, stealing, murdering are all VIRTUES to Democrats! They’re proud of how poorly they do those things and get away with them…

      • Frankly, it saddens me that the ranks of our party, especially those who should have retired years ago, don’t put their foot down enough and let these Democrats get away with their habitual lying like we’re supposed to look away! Do you think for one minute that they’d allow us to get away with doing just the same? Time to turn the
        tables around and grow a pair.Although I’m just a woman and that given the opportunity I sure as hell would !

      • They do all of those things remarkabl u well. They govern poorly, badly.in the time, since 12 April 1862when they declared their Confederate nation, declared war on America and fired on Ft. Sumter, NC, they have hated and been at war with America.

        They assassinated Lincoln 5 days after The Appomattox discussion of surrender, in retaliation. It’s about getting their slaves back. Our color or other designations, we choose or are unable to choose are cudgel for the easily influenced.

        They are liars and tyrants at heart. They rule and are disinterested in Their Will of The People.

        The only time democrats are interested in The People is when they lie and tell us what they want and falsely promise a better result.

      • They all do nothing BUT lie! They don’t know how to tell the truth, and they sidestep it every time they’re asked about their lies. Liars cannot be trusted, PERIOD.

        • well Char the way i look at it is if any democrook were to tell the truth they would instantly burst into flames–self-destruct!!!

  1. I believe that if Walz and Harris ever told the unvarnished truth about any issue of importance, the entire country would be shocked.

    • Unfortunately, in this day and time, being a reporting Journalist for the majority in our once proud Nation, brings on a whole new meaning! It’s a damn shame that the majority of our legal voting citizens are horrifically being lied to! Time to tune into the actual News outlets who will honestly tell you the Uncovered truth would be NEWSMAX and Fox News!

      • Yes, Time to Pull the PLUG on CNN, MSDNC, ABC, NBC, CBS. REVOKE their federal Licenses. They are NOT what the FOUNDERS meant by “the Press” AT ALL. They are the wild dog pack of the MANGE SCREAM NOOSE MEDEA — eating their children! — all who blithely listen to them & accept their “Donkey Apples” — hot & steaming from the ASSES they are…


  2. Harris and Walz both lie about everything, I can’t believe more people can’t see it. If people would rather have liars in office than Trump, the far left Democrats are a bunch of communist that need to go to Russia, China, North Korea, anywhere but here. You can’t fix stupid, but we can vote them out!

      • … and the real danger is how many of our naive citizens who vote for liars are also being led to a Chinese slaughter buffet.

      • The problem is, they’re NOT blind; they’re simply OUTRIGHT LIARS who know exactly what they’re doing to deceive the populace into voting for them!

    • Well, the Jews wanted to kill Jesus for equating Himself with the Father. They could not understand Who He really was, the Son of God. Therefore He said, “You are of your father the devil…a murderer from the beginning…NO TRUTH IN him. WHENEVER he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own nature, for he is liar, and THE FATHER OF LIES. Democrats are no different – they have already sought to kill the leading Republican candidate; and are overtly conspiring a fraudulent election surpassing American history.


  4. One thing you can ALWAYS count on with kommunists!….They have NO SHAME & even fewer MORALS! ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING!!

  5. A new amendment to the Constitution must be entered into law that ” NO POLITICIAN SHELL EVER LIE TO THE NATION ” If they do they should be fired with no recourse!!

    • That’s Take out Mitch McCriminal in a heartbeat!!! No RINO like him should be “leading” the GOP Caucus in the Senate!!! – the wicked words are right out his “mouth’!
      See ‘Awake with JP’ for a great treatment of the revelations of RFK,Jr about the UKRAINE SCANDAL we are NOW FUNDING — to our Country’s Disgrace & DESTRUCTION!!!

  6. I unfortunately live in Minnesota and I am disgusted that he is our governor we are paying him while he is out trying to get another job and when he and kamala aren’t elected he gets his old job back Minnesota needs to change that law

  7. I can’t believe these retarded looney half wits think that ANYBODY would believe what they say is true. Are they that stupid? Obviously, with shit for brains, this is pretty normal for them. Tampon tim is the fake governor of my State and I believe he got in for two terms by the usual demonrat fraud and corruption. He turned our wonderful State of Minnesota into a hell hole. He is also a thief, he OVERTAXED us to the tune of $8000 per taxpayer last year and instead of returning it to us, HE STOLE IT and spent it on his usual crap and then raised our taxes again. He needs to be shipped to a remote island in the middle of the ocean with NO possible way of escape never to be seen or heard from again. With his wife who is also a retarded looneybin.

    • No, they’re NOT stupid; they’re simply THAT COMMUNIST! That’s what they do; tell lies to deceive the masses into voting for them. That’s how they get into office, and once they’re in office, they simply make laws that will keep future freedom-seeking politicians from ever unseating them. (Sound familiar?) They’ve been doing it for generations, oppressing millions around the globe. Unfortunately, people in free countries don’t LEARN from the miseries of the oppressed in other countries, and generations don’t learn from prior generations.

  8. When We the People LIE on a job application it is possible that We can be prosecuted for it.

    When a high ranking Democrat LIES on a “job application”, i.e. , runs for office, they get rewarded for it! Democrats make a really big deal of everything they accuse Republicans of, true or not. Too bad none of them ever looked in a mirror!

    • What you say is Straight out of Saul Alinsky’s book, “Rules for Radicals” — dedicated on the first page to LUCIFER! He was Mentor of 0-Zero, and Hitlery did her Senior Thesis on him… “Blame others for what you are doing!” Notice how Nasty Pelousy does it, too…
      And the DemSenators … all March in Lockstep, GOOSESTEP, as commanded by The Schemer, who should be wearing his SS uniform… MINDLESS, Unamerican WRETCHES!

  9. My brother in law was a Vietnam vet and died from Agent Orange, my husband was a vet and a cop for 42 years. I have one brother retired Airforce as a Master Sergeant and one brother retired Army National Guard as a Warrant officer. Walz just disgraced them for what he says and does. He and Cameltoe are disgusting.

  10. Even though Tampon Tim was caught lying about his record he still continues to lie about it. He has no conscience or morals about anything he says or does.

  11. Tim Walz ABUSED his STUDENTS in School, rounding of many of them to send to RED CHINA, to get brainwashed, shortly after Tiananmen Square. THEN he put his WEDDING DAY on June 4, five years after Tiananmen, “so it would be a date he’d never forget.”
    THAT is PATHOLOGICALLY WEIRD!!! He should be in a straitjacket & put in a mental institution. UTTERLY INSANE!!! – & his wife goes along with that… separate cell…

  12. Tampon Tim is a disgrace I have three brothers who served in the US Army this guy is a disgrace to America and to our military anybody who is stupid enough to vote for Harris and tampon Tim are idiots a vote for Harris and tampon Tim is a vote for communist. So we have to keep America free from the corrupt communist Democrat Party so vote TRUMP AND MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN

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