Tim Allen was crushed when he got this tragic news about a beloved Home Improvement co-star

Home Improvement was one of the most popular sitcoms of the 1990s.  The cast developed a special bond over eight seasons.  And Tim Allen was crushed when he got this tragic news about a beloved [...]


    • Just let him know that their is a way out and Recovery can help if he wants the Help!
      We have a great and wonderful program called N.A.
      I hope he can find it. the program has helped millions of Addicts around the World.

  1. Zach needs to get with the group of people who were child actors and get the help they can give him. He needs to get grounded again. Tim is a big family man who is very conservative. My brother worked with him on one of the Santa Clause movies. I have a lot of respect for Tim.

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