This Democrat Governor wanted to crawl into a hole when she was called out for this mind-blowing lie to her face

Democrats fully expect that they’ll never face pushback from the media for their many lies. And after decades of media bias, who could blame them? But now this Democrat Governor wanted to crawl into a [...]


  1. Democrats simply feel they are losing elections because they aren’t lying enough now, so redoubling on lying… the old Goebbels tactic…

    • Exactly, it is the standard Democrat playbook. Thank God they are even more incompetent than their Nazi mentors.

  2. When will people learn never trust a democrat? They lie when running for office, they lie when they get into office and still lie about facts that they won’t admit to. You voted for this loser and same way the voters voted AOC back in. Its called stupidity and laziness. You get what you voted for. Too bad the people who knew she was a liar have to suffer because there are too many stupid people voting. Maybe next time you will have gotten a little smarter but I doubt it.

  3. I hate to say this bit until new Yorkers pull there heads out there asses and realize that voting down party lines will lead to more suffering for them. You guys need to think about your security and families well begin. Think about your families not your party. Stop being stupid and ignorate.

  4. has anyone else noticed that these Lying DemonRats are the UGLIEST creatures on this planet, they are so UGLY inside that it comes out to the outside. Maybe that is why they are so Mean, because they are just UGLY all the way through, EVERY ONE OF THEM

  5. Typical Democrap, try to lie and gaslight your way through. Real statistics will always come back to bite you in the ass. People aren’t stupid, they see and know what is going on. Hockul needs to go along with AOC.

  6. Time to fire or impeach or recall Kathy useless Hochul she’s destroying New York day by day won’t be much left after these democrats bankrupt the state. Just another dumbass bitch thinks she knows how to run a government. How’s that working out for you. Democrats destroyers

  7. As Mr. Einstein opined; “Doing the same thing over, and over, and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.”

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