The woke outrage mob’s efforts to destroy J.K. Rowling just hit a roadblock they never saw coming

J.K. Rowling is a committed leftist. But in a twist more surprising than any you’ll find in one of her Harry Potter novels, she’s a leftist that the radical Left hates. And the woke outrage [...]


  1. Someday you will realize the majority of people do not accept the fact that a man thinks he can put on a wig and lipstick and now he’s a woman you are either born a biological man or a biological woman there are only two genders and you don’t get to pick you can pretend anything you want like we do on Halloween but when you take the makeup and wig off you’re still a man

  2. I am so tired of the length that some people in the LGBTQ arena will take things and to openly accept anyone who says they’re a woman, are automatically a woman or that a woman wants to be a man therefore when she, despite looking like a man gives birth to a baby, insists on being called a man!
    I don’t give a donkeys butt what you want to look like, we have only two choices, MALE AND FEMALE, we only have TWO DNA CHOICES, MALE OR FEMALE!
    Men can look like women but they will NEVER be a woman, especially those who do not go through the full transformation, while others are factually using it to get into women’s sports and some even to hurt women.
    Then we have women wanting to look like men. Cool, go for it, but just because you LOOK like a man, doesn’t make you a
    man because your DNA still comes back as female and no
    matter how hard you try, MEN CAN NOT HAVE BABIES! Men are
    physically not made to be able to or believe me, I would have gladly let my husband pop out my 11.1 lb. daughter and 12.8 lb. son!
    So stop all this stupidity and give those who are really struggling with their identities and who are really Transgender and stop playing stupid!
    And for crying out loud! Stop adding letters to your name! LGBTQ is who you are, not LMNOP, too!😂

  3. Canel culture or not the truth simply cannot be hidden. Leftist though she may be J.K. Rowlings is standing on the truth. If she didn’t she’d be a flop and HBO would go down with her.

    • It’s a money/power game in today’s world. Rowling couldn’t have the effect she has without her purse…neither could the LGBTQ. Both have vast amounts of discretionary ‘fighting funds’.

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