The real story behind the Reagan movie is bigger than Ronald Reagan himself

Ronald Reagan became President at one of the lowest moments in U.S. history.   Russia was winning the Cold War, Americans were being held hostage by Iran, and the economy was in the gutter as shortages [...]


  1. My family is excited about this film. We loved President Reagan; I believe this film is coming, much like the year we voted for him. Our family, had just arrived in California. We were looking for better paying jobs & a better life for our 4 sons. When we left our home, in Southern Illinois, we had such dreams! They all came true. Sacramento was full of hope, jobs, affordable food & fruit from neighbors! We never regretted this move!

  2. We have the same things facing us now If you vote Democrap you will get more of the same. We may not like Trump but he knows how to get Amerca out of the toilet we are in now. Let’s flood our market with oil then we can sale to our allies. Then OPEC won’t have anybody to sale too. Please just use common since

  3. I enjoyed the movie. I believe it is released at a very crucial moment in the United States. I recommend this movie!

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