The mainstream media’s own polling data just hit Democrats with the ultimate wake-up call

As demonstrated by Donald Trump’s historic victory last month, the vast majority of Americans have no faith in the so-called “mainstream” media. That’s left executives at many major news networks scrambling to save their sinking [...]


  1. If the Democrats still don’t understand….IT’S NOT ABOUT BEING A TRUMPER…IT’s ABOUT BEING AN AMERICAN!!!!! If you were so stupid you didn’t see America had enough of YOUR woke , open border , trans loving , forced electric car and ultra liberal bullshit you’er to stupid to be in charge!!!! UNDERSTAND YET?????

  2. Forget about Trump’s MAGA theory. In reality, it’s the opportunity to lower the wealthy citizens’ tax responsibilities, crush the middle class, and put the lower class on the street (as planned). Woke is just a word that the citizenry use to convince themselves that life will or can change. Wake the Hell up! Words will not house and feed families. I can speak other languages, therefore I can leave the US. Can the average citizen? Maybe Canada and England but that require moving costs. Don’t be stupid, Trump is a sociopathic, pathological liar, nothing more.

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