The devastating new details surrounding the illegal alien who burned a woman alive on the NYC subway will make you sick

Democrats and their treasonous open borders agenda have put Americans’ lives at risk. Millions of unvetted illegal aliens, including swarms of military-age males, poured into the country and brought destruction to unsuspecting communities. And now [...]


    • You mean traitor Joe? He wouldn’t do that! Or he may have to pay for all the misery he has caused. He can afford it he is a rich SOB after being a politician all of his sick life!

      • Should charge the Democrat party the entire cost of the 10 million deportations ! Those behind this plan tried for treason and if found guilty….death penalty !!

  1. Is anyone ever going to hold Biden and Harris responsible for the death and destruction they have caused and even upheld in our country. A few months longer and all of the people born here would be dead and the Biden/Harris would have created their own alien citizenry. I’ve never witnessed such a Democratic nightmare!

    • Should charge the Democrat party the entire cost of the 10 million deportations ! Those behind this plan tried for treason and if found guilty….death penalty !!

  2. Is it just possible that these illegal aliens commit these horrible crimes, knowing that murder is the only crime that they will get to stay in our jails, which may be better than life in their country. Petty offenses net them probation, in some states.

  3. It’s time we dump the DOJ and put good people in there and prosecute those responsible for this horrible crime mess that is destroying America. If that means going after Soros backed DA’s then so be it. The need to be held accountable for all the crimes that they have let happen. Bragg and Smith should be at the top of the list. Disbar them if you have to because they don’t deserve to be in their positions.

    • ABSOLUTELY !! Let’s go after these treasonous bastards ! And force them to pay for the cost of the 10 million deportations !

  4. It’s coming to time we Americans are going to have to do what the democrats government can’t do and that’s to start
    Cleaning up there mess. People it’s time to stand up and clean up our own neighborhoods if they can’t or won’t.
    There’s a lot more of us than them. Get rid if these democrat judges and prosecutors and start putting any illegals caught for any crime in prison for at least for 10 years if the kill a American death sentence instantly. Deputize American citizens and we will clean up,the democrats failures and corruption. A real civil war is coming if these illegals aren’t deported they killed a enough of us already. Democrats are turning this country in a third world sh-t hole.
    We The people the taxpayers want all illegals deported or in prison now. Time to start indictments on corrupt democrat

  5. I believe that it would only be fair to leave Biden and Mrs Harris both in the subway for 48 hours with no back up and nothing but illegals and let it ride out to see what happens make sure they are sleeping for they can’t try to talk their way out

  6. I believe that it would only be fair to leave Biden and Mrs Harris both in the subway for 48 hours with no back up and nothing but illegals and let it ride out to see what happens make sure they are sleeping for they can’t try to talk their way out

    And I never posted this comment before because I usually don’t comment

  7. Give ALL the illegal aliens the same treatment this animal inflicted on this poor woman. Kerosene, and matches are cheap, but may conflict with “Green Policies”–Tough shi-!

  8. Harris and Biden are evil Democraps. He obviously won’t hold office again and should leave and go back to Delaware and keep his mouth shut. He’s done enough damage to our country. Harris needs to leave and go away and keep her mouth shut. We don’t care or want to hear from her ever again. She has proven herself to be an absolute liar and idiot. All the illegal aliens need to go especially the criminals.

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