The Biden-Harris Department of Homeland Security doesn’t want you to know they’re panicked over this violent illegal alien gang

The Biden-Harris regime’s open border policies have brought more than 11 million unvetted illegal aliens into this country. While some people may be here to try and give their families a better life, others are [...]


  1. Accept JESUS and wake up people before it’s too late, the clock is ticking, don’t wait JESUS loves you, and HE does forgive

  2. The Democrat/Communists KNEW all about who they were ushering in long ago. They did precisely NOTHING about it except welcome them in and get them settled comfortably. It’s a big part of their plan to destabilize the country and destroy it.

    But!- ask yourself THIS – WHO is doing or has done a thing of substance to stop all of this? Answer – NOBODY!!

    Not our SWORN defenders, not the Democrat Party and NOT THE GOP!! NOBODY!!

    Our once proud and powerful nation is being destroyed from the inside by our global enemies. Our once trusted leaders are being BOUGHT and silenced. Our defenders are “just following orders” and standing aside watching it happen.

    It is End Times Bible Prophesy.

    R.I.P., USA.

    • This is what happens when there is a communist in office and another communist cacklingcamelbitch destroying our country. democraps HATE AMERICA AND AMERICANS. THEY ARE STEALING THIS ELECTION AND THUS COUNTRY WILL BE NO MORE. VOTE PRESIDENT DONALD JOHN TRUMP/VP J.D. VANCE 2024. FOR AMERICANS SAKE!

      • I vote early by mail due to mobility issues. Already did vote for DJT, and as straight a GOP ballot as I could. The GOP is the lesser of two evils!

  3. Only thing you can is every democrat that votes for that lieing not black bitch ..well I say shoot them all and let god sort them out ! But a bounty on their heads how about half a million for each one you shoot down . I am proud American ..and if alp this true well count me in Go TRUMP !

  4. So everyone can be aware, can someone say what markings , tattoo’s or colors do these gang members wear, in order to distinguish them?

  5. These gangs use very young kids 12 to 15 to commit the serious crimes like shootings, etc. because our legal system treats them as little children. If the kid picks up a gun, and uses it, they are now simply short targets. Use live ammo, and quit coddling them.Turn American gangs like the “Crips”, and the “Bloods” loose on them.

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