Texas picked a fight with the Biden-Harris regime over this war zone

Texas has been in a war with the Biden-Harris regime to secure the southern border.  Now it’s ramping up to the next level.  And Texas picked a fight with the Biden-Harris regime over this war [...]


  1. Time the states stood their ground…to protect the integrity of the country…which the federal government apparently is NOT interested in doing…

  2. Texas property, Texas law, Texas LAW ENFORCEMENT; clean out the island, secure the premises and perimeter, fly the TEXAS FLAG

    • Why isn’t this all treason against these United States? I guess i don’t understand – Biden/harris have done everything to bring down the u.s.

      • Dee, I don’t understand it either! as I understand the Constitution,and the oath of office each person in gov’t at any level (even volunteers) takes, it is our sworn duty to defend that Constitution against ALL enemies, including fellow office holders acting against it, right up to the POTUS,if he is violating his oath! Our oath is to the laws, not any person or office! Obama did the same thing to the Southern 1/5 of the state of AZ, back in ’10; just handed it over to the cartels, like it was his right to hand over citizens, their property, even whole towns, to Mexican criminals invading our nation! I took that same oath when I was sworn into the Navy, 50 odd yrs ago, and again several times to serve on city committees as a volunteer. It seems pretty straightforward to me; what they did/ are doing is criminal and very definitely against the duties of that office to defend our nation’s borders! I know no other way to define that than treason.

      • It’s exactly what they want. Getting rid of Americans and taking the country down is the soros- o bama plan. They want the one world order so that they can rule and have totalitarian control.

  3. Absolutely and it’s time for this to stop we have been overwhelmed by illegal immigration’s all over are US we have been invaded are country has never seen anything like this before! It needs to stop! My Husband fought in Vietnam and he discussed by what is has happened to are country!!

  4. Just goes to show you if somebody is a democrap they will vote democrap even if they come out and burn your house down says:

    This is our country all of Texas belongs to Texas we will defend it like its our homes which it is.We ran the mexican out of here once before we can do a better job against the Federal Goverment.When you come to get it bring lots of new body bags,your going to need them

  5. Send the illegals to Harris and her mansion, don’t preach to us. ASK GOD FOR FORGIVENESS!!! You have put Americans in danger and results have been DEATH, TORTURE RAPE. Shame on you, Kamala and Joe

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