Taylor Swift has officially entered the 2024 election with this major decision
Pop star Taylor Swift is the biggest celebrity on the planet right now. Democrats have been begging her to once again throw her support behind their efforts to defeat Donald Trump. And now Taylor Swift [...]
IGNORANT is the best word I have for her. She knows not her history or what she is doing. She will go down in history if Lonny toons wins as the woman who brought down a country because she had no doubt added millions of useful idiots to vote for Marxism.
Just yet another fallen upward idiot celebrity that doesnt know how to distinguish bias and hearsay and thruth from facts thinking she knows how and by whom a country like the US needs to be governed. The amount of celebrity idiots manipulated by the biased MSM is staggering
I am afraid for this country since Harris is not giving out her agenda of what her TRUE plans are of she becomes President.
As is ‘certain someone’ the father of lies, so Kamala is the next best thing to the ‘mother of lies’, not to mention Tampon Tim, her ‘brother of lies’. In short, NEVER BEFORE IN AMERICAN HISTORY has there been such levels of corruption, conspiracy, attempted catastrophe by elimination of her opponent, twice now!
Lynn you are so right, after all who the hell is Swift to take notice of but an entertainer without a brain, a true Hollywood narcissist full of her self with all but brains.
she should stay with the music.
politics are way out of her league.
Taylor swift is as stupid as the rest of the democrats, she should not be a role model for anyone. All she does is sing about all ger boyfriend relationships.
being Swiftys boyfriend is to enjoy riding public transportation–use a raincoat.
I would like to see the research Ms. swift made on VP Harris. I hope I do not get read to read of Ms Harris middle class up bring.
Let’s not forget THIS FACT…. Taylor Swift is followed by her “SWIFTIES”, millions of MINDLESS MORONS who are INCAPABLE OF THINKING FOR THEMSELVES!!!! And “TAY TAY” (

) has made a career out of writing and singing “hit songs”, about 90% of her songs, that are about CHOOSING THE WRONG PEOPLE TO BE IN HER LIFE…. YEAH, WHAT A GREAT ROLE MODEL SHE MAKES
She just showed how uneducated she really is.
Bulls eye
Taylor Swift is as doub and stupid as the rest of the evil Democrats!!! If Harris gets elected, AMERICA IS DONE!!!!!!!
I can’t believe people believe that lying, cackling bitch. She and Biden have already destroyed our country and she is going to finish the job!!!!!
If we have the misfortune to have Harris as our president, I wonder if “Tay-Tay” will write a song about choosing the wrong president?
i cant belive taylor voited for harris your as eval as she is
Ignorance votes for evil all the time.
She is an idiot
Sell her music to Russians
I quit watching the chiefs football
I don’t watch football and I don’t follow Swift so I’m good. A poster on another forum said Taylor is not Swift. I thought that was worth sharing.
Taylor Swift is just a cheap entertainer who wear next to nothing and she knows nothing about politics
We’ll see how much of her fan base are conservatives.
Swift is ONLY an ENTERTAINER No Political pundit Who cares what she thinks
If she was smart she would either endorse freedom over Tyranny….She should stick to what she does….She and Kelsey been hit in the head a few too many times….