Some Democrats think Joe Biden tried to tank Kamala Harris by calling Trump supporters this nasty name

Democrats are in a state of panic in the final days before voters head to the polls on November 5. Polls seem to indicate that the momentum is in Donald Trump’s corner. And now some [...]


  1. who is worst , a man that pays a hooker while is not in politics or a woman that went having fun with people in government to get better job ( while she was married), known fact…Black people better wake up, with Obama they got nothing , while he hold 22.millions plus in real estate , sorrry , he gave away phones when he got in.QUE MALA O KAMALA IS NOT EVEN BLACK , more like mulata , and use to have slaves too , and she wants more. They are all winners ,, William j. Clinton , President , Democrat got away with doing an intern while on the job and on place of work ,,,Guy that ran with Hillary made a baby with another woman while wife was dying with cancer ….
    In a way , I understand , a great absence of literacy.

  2. I’d rather be garbage than an idiot that is falling for Kamala’s 💩. If she could fix anything why hasn’t she done so in FOUR YEARS?

  3. Dopey Joe said what he meant, and meant what he said. As far as the DEMONrats are concerned, those who disagree with them are garbage! They get away with calling Trump Hitler, his supporters facists, Nazis, deplorables , a danger to society and democracy! Joe just clarified their stance, no matter how the White House and media try to spin it, WE heard what he said! He called Trump supporters garbage! He is supposedly the sitting president, he is supposed to represent ALL of us, not just demonrats! But he disparaged half or more of our population! Yet they want our votes! HELL NO! Trump has my vote, always has . So the Dems can pound sand, they hate us and our country, a vote for any demonrat is a vote for obama’s fourth term! Not gonna happen! GO MAGA!!!!!!!!

  4. any vote for any democrat is a vote for the destruction of America for china and all the illegal border insurgents

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