Rudy Giuliani nearly threw up in his mouth when he saw what transpired in the wake of these terrorist attacks

Rudy Giuliani cleaned up the streets of New York City and led residents in the wake of the devastating 9-11 terrorist attacks.  For his efforts he was dubbed “America’s Mayor.”  But Rudy Giuliani nearly threw [...]


  1. The left are Marxist/communist so they believe in mob rule and the MAGA believe in the law rules

  2. I would probably be considered a terrorist by many, because if I see my neighbors under attack, I WILL RESPOND WITH DEADLY FORCE ! I’m too old to physically fight any more & my body won’t permit it. I can still shoot better than most; Aiming & pulling a trigger does NOT require much physical strength.
    Just a proper application of Moral Courage.
    At this point, “Life in Prison” is meaningless.

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