Rosie O’Donnell had the worst meltdown after she heard four words about Donald Trump

Rosie O’Donnell suffers from what may be the worst documented case of Trump Derangement Syndrome imaginable. The election was just the beginning of her woes.  And Rosie O’Donnell had the worst meltdown after she heard [...]


  1. EARTH TO rosie: GO THE F–K away … your services ( and alleged “humor” ) are no longer needed … GOOD RIDDANCE

  2. Rosie fat pig o’donell you need to move to China and take boyfriend Biden with you and your girlfriend the cackling hyena

    • Trump lives in Rosie’s head. I hope Trump Sues her fir defamation and character assassination. Her own daughter runs away from her. Rosie is a sad case of a down trodden mental case who can’t accept Trump will be President

      • I thought she left the country the last time when he whooped “Killery” Has she returned? hope she didn’t bring Joy and Whoopie with her!

        • Unfortunately, like all of the lying democommie hoard, she never left. And many folks have offered help in moving, paying for tickets out, and other things, but none of us have ever been taken up on any of our offers.
          Some of these loons only talk to hear themselves; Good thing, as nobody else is listening to them either.

  3. How in the world did all these self-proclaimed comedians become the mouthpieces of the radical Left? Whether it’s the Late Night Bozos or those that gravitate to talk shows, their so-called comedy has become idiocy; and now this one thinks that drones are being run by aliens (and 5% of the poll feels that way, too)!

  4. Rosie,I prefer my pigs in sausage, not on my TV.Go home,and blimp out some more since no man would take you on if he wasnt blind with a dead nose to avoid your stink.

  5. She says she’s been talking to her shrink for a couple weeks now about aliens controlling the drones over New Jersey maybe she better get a new shrink cuz this shrink needs to put her in the mental hospital and a padded room cuz this woman is crazy no wonder her adopt a daughter run away from her I would too Rosie has never been funny I think she is so brainwashed by the Democrats she can’t see the light of day in front of her she is one disgusting human being she cannot over her mouth without using the f bomb and she claims to be a woman I’ve heard men talk better language than she does every other word out of her mouth is f**k like I said she is a disgusting disgrace for a human being

    • Sharon, you are saying what I was thinking!!!You hit the nail on the head, girl!
      I think Rosie actually admires President Trump, but can’t possibly admit it, or the Hollywood creeps would blackball her!!!
      AND, if Rosie hates everything American, don’t let the door hit you in the a**!!! America doesn’t need you!

    • The _F_ word from Rosie is an expression of hope that one day some poor blind,deaf guy WILL -F- her, but no luck so far. Poor porky Rosie!

  6. I think Biden owes China way more than we know, it could be he is letting them spie out the country for when they deside to invade. Biden needs to be impeached before it is to late. They say he has dementia. I don’t think so. He is smart enough to sell off the remains of the boarder wall, try to give student lone relief, free a bunch of crimenals on death row and have open boarders. Looks like he is setting China up for good. He has to play the part to keep himself out of jail. He also pardened his son. He is does not have DEMENTIA!!

  7. Rosie is an ignorant arrogant bitch that should not given any platform cause nobody gives a damn what she thinks or says so tell the bitch to stfu

  8. Who cares what Rosie McDonald has to say. All the Hollywood washups are grasping at straws to think they are important. Believe me they aren’t. In fact they live in fantasyland in their heads thing what the think is the Bible. Its not. The entire bunch of Hollywood entertainers and what evers are acting like spoiled childen in 3rd grade arguing and throwing tantrums about not getting the right flavor of ice cream on a hot day.

  9. Hey Rosie,you’re encouraged to move,leave the USA. Democrats spew lies and hate,and want to keep us divided. Clearly most of the country were not wanting 4more years of the corrupt Biden administration or Harris thinking everything is funny,her usual cackling,and word salad. Making no sense.Saying nothing..She couldn’t even go to the border,let alone protect it!! She even said,there is nothing Joe did that she didn’t agree with. She’s just as bad as him. WE all know Joe took bribes,and was involved with his son’s deals,Whitehouse books show they visited Joe. He knew all along what his son was into,the big guy got his cut too!! He knew his son was guilty,so he pardoned him. He forced an EXPERIMENTAL VAX on people,even firing people who refused it,teachers,nurses,even our military too. Forcing the country shut down. Some businesses were unable to come back from the shut down n lost their whole business,their livelihood. We couldnt even visit our dying family members in the hospital. Or go to church. They forced our children to wear a mask,that was proven,it didn’t stop you from getting infected. Sure you in congress wore one for the cameras,but when the cameras went off so did your masks. We seen pictures proving it!! But you still forced it on us..and how many of you have stock in pharmaceutical companies,that made money off this farce.
    And you all pretending to get the shot on tv. We have no way to prove that was the real vaccine. It could have been a vitamin shot. But your pretend job worked on some,but not us all. We are tired of the lies and the disregard for our thoughts and beliefs,and lives.. you didnt care!!!
    We all want the country back,where we come first,our people.Our borders CLOSED, GUARDED,SAFE!!COME HERE LEGALLY LIKE IT IS IN EVERY COUNTRY!! Our constitutional rights upheld. Our children protected!! Good economy. And other countries unable to take advantage of the USA anymore! We fight for what’s rightfully ours..Trump puts us(a) first. There are so many traitors in our govrnmt.We need to clean the swamp this time!! We need term limits,and also the right to look into how those of you in congress,have million$,got it,bc it’s ALOT more than what your pay is!!! Where did the money come from? Stop the insider trading, Nancy does so well. And follow through with legal action. As she said,no one’s above the law,including HER!! Hopefully with Trump back in the WH those suffering from the hurricanes will finally get the help they should have gotten. And now the billions Biden was giving away will STOP. The wars will stop. We will thrive n prosper,and our children will be protected.. The sooner you fake celebrities leave the better our country will be.. Bye 👋

  10. If we could get lucky, maybe one of those alien drones would pick her and cart her off to Alpha Centarie. At least we wouldn’t have to keep hearing her hateful mouth, that has never won anything.

  11. What I find interesting after watching all the drones on the new years eve celebrations doing synchronized patterns to spell out the words HAPPY NEW YEARS!!! If it’s that easy for our own drone operators to do that,then they can find out where the drones over the east coast are from so Rosie,Ask your buddy Biden what is going on with the drones in the airspace over the eastern USA!!! AND GET A NEW SHRINK BECAUSE YOU BOTH NEED A PADDED ROOM IN PILGRIM STATE PSYCH WARD!!!

  12. Rosie, Now Trump is not a Rapist and you know you just set yourself up for a defamation lawsuit so I recommend you get your lawyers ready on stand by,because you Ffffffffed UP dum dum!!! Didn’t he just get 15 million for the last dumbass that said that about him….. LEAVE THE COUNTRY LIKE ELLEN AND DO US ALL A FAVOR!! The only thing funny about you is that you are an overweight woman who is THE poster child for birth control..

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