Ron DeSantis put George Soros on notice about this ugly fight in Florida

Woke, globalist billionaire George Soros is trying to fundamentally transform the country. But he never expected to run into the kind of resistance he found in the Sunshine State. And Ron DeSantis put George Soros [...]


  1. good for himwe need more governors and politians like DeSantis who puts his state needs firstbefore power!

    • There are at least 7 countries right now that he is barred from entering and should be thrown out of the USA.

    • You are 1000%RIGHT
      NO PLACE FOR THOSE cockroaCH 🪳 LIVING HERE🤬🤮🤮🤬🤮🤪😬🤪🤮🤬

      • SOROS came here during or shortly after WW2. he surely saw all the corruption Hitler caused. hook and crook gave Soros his money, buying into companies like WAL MART ect. keeps his money rolling in. HE IS A CROOK IN SHEEPS CLOTHING.

  2. Soros is a Communist and he worked for the Nazis as a teen. I believe that’s how he acquired his fortune, on the lives of the people he betrayed. That’s just my humble opinion.

    • He was turning jews into the German SS during WW2. Made his fortune in European countries by manipulating their currency. Tried to collapse the British pound. Tried to timbreak Elon Musk (TESLA) but failed

  3. Governor De Santis should have been Trumps choice for VP. THEN IN 2028 AND 2032 WE WOULD HAVE HAD 12 YEARS TO MAGA.

  4. George Soros seems to enjoy wreaking havoc but when his life on earth ends, he will bow before Almighty God and will receive judgment for his deeds done on earth. As scripture says, “Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” May God have mercy on his soul!

  5. Throw the whole left wing out, kit and cabutal. America should be run only by AMERICANS, ‘Americas Terrorists!

  6. All of the AG’s Soros helps into these positions should be charged with aiding and abetting when they let these criminals go. When these AG’s fail to prosecute and the criminals commit new crimes these charges should be brought against these AG’s. If Soros were to be labeled a terrorist his funding could be confiscated preventing these lawless Ag’s from receiving funds.

  7. we must make it that no one out of the unitedstates cannot fund any politician only americans can..other country leaders arenot allowed..soro’s is a very sick evil predator..God will make sure he goes to where he belongs..same place that ho harris and crooked corrupt biden and all the rest of these crooked corrupt democrooks and rino’s…they all will be burning in hell…

  8. Soros is a domestic TERRORIST and doesn’t deserve to live in this country enjoying the freedoms that USA guarantees its citizens. He said that he doesn’t believe in God and has no fear of punishment. People like him are capable of doing everything that a normal person wouldn’t do. Throw the communist BUM out.

  9. SOROS is a horrible evil marxist communist that wants nothing more than to destroy our great country. Money is no problem as he has billions and that’s what he uses to get his way. He’s trying to buy up all the radio stations to spew propaganda as the communists do. So stay tuned……..

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