“Rolling Stone” is having a total breakdown over these rappers’ pro-Trump song

People most likely assume that the majority of rap artists lean to the Left when it comes to their personal politics. However, that isn’t always the case, as many rappers support Donald Trump. But now [...]


    • . I cannot believe this people. They believe their own lies and twist truth and lies to look good for them Theses people aren’t even embarrassed . No home training, no church knowledge , no concept of what the future can and will be with liars, murderers and thieves running the show. The last 4 years have been scary just getting worse !

    • Trump should use their mucsic at one of his rallies. Not that white woman’s who is suing him for using hers!!

  1. The majority of slaves in this country were owned by Southern Dixie-Crats.
    FINALLY, the people are willing to get OFF the Plantation & think, and see who is actually working for them, not trying to keep them enslaved by poverty & crime.

  2. It amazes me how the Democrats claim it was the northerners (Republicans) who were the slave owners. Which President freed them? Abraham Lincoln, a Republican. Who ran the underground railroad to give the slaves a way out of the South? The Republicans. The Dems are a joke and keep digging their hole deeper and deeper.


  4. Dred Scott Commie Kamala Harris. Lying Walz.Shes not even qualified to run for president!! Dred Scott her sorry ass now!!!

  5. It seems that Rolling Stone, making money from the masses, considder itself to be the Pantation owner, dictating what they have to think and say.Be realistic here…,the Democrats still are making tons of money, in the meantime sending the message to their readers that making money is a filthy habit by badmouthing Republicans.

  6. It seems that Rolling Stone, making money from the masses, considder itself to be the Pantation owner, dictating what they have to think and say.Be realistic here…,the Democrats still are making tons of money, in the meantime sending the message to their readers that making money is a filthy habit by badmouthing Republicans. It seems that Rolling Stone, making money from the masses, considder itself to be the Pantation owner, dictating what they have to think and say.Be realistic here…,the Democrats still are making tons of money, in the meantime sending the message to their readers that making money is a filthy habit by badmouthing Republicans. It seems that Rolling Stone, making money from the masses, considder itself to be the Pantation owner, dictating what they have to think and say.Be realistic here…,the Democrats still are making tons of money, in the meantime sending the message to their readers that making money is a filthy habit by badmouthing Republicans. It seems that Rolling Stone, making money from the masses, considder itself to be the Pantation owner, dictating what they have to think and say.Be realistic here…,the Democrats still are making tons of money, in the meantime sending the message to their readers that making money is a filthy habit by badmouthing Republicans.

  7. It seems that Rolling Stone, making money from the masses, considder itself to be the Pantation owner, dictating what they have to think and say.Be realistic here…,the Democrats still are making tons of money, in the meantime sending the message to their readers that making money is a filthy habit by badmouthing Republicans. It seems that Rolling Stone, making money from the masses, considder itself to be the Pantation owner, dictating what they have to think and say.Be realistic here…,the Democrats still are making tons of money, in the meantime sending the message to their readers that making money is a filthy habit by badmouthing Republicans. It seems that Rolling Stone, making money from the masses, considder itself to be the Pantation owner, dictating what they have to think and say.Be realistic here…,the Democrats still are making tons of money, in the meantime sending the message to their readers that making money is a filthy habit by badmouthing Republicans. It seems that Rolling Stone, making money from the masses, considder itself to be the Pantation owner, dictating what they have to think and say.Be realistic here…,the Democrats still are making tons of money, in the meantime sending the message to their readers that making money is a filthy habit by badmouthing Republicans. It seems that Rolling Stone, making money from the masses, considder itself to be the Pantation owner, dictating what they have to think and say.Be realistic here…,the Democrats still are making tons of money, in the meantime sending the message to their readers that making money is a filthy habit by badmouthing Republicans. It seems that Rolling Stone, making money from the masses, considder itself to be the Pantation owner, dictating what they have to think and say.Be realistic here…,the Democrats still are making tons of money, in the meantime sending the message to their readers that making money is a filthy habit by badmouthing Republicans. It seems that Rolling Stone, making money from the masses, considder itself to be the Pantation owner, dictating what they have to think and say.Be realistic here…,the Democrats still are making tons of money, in the meantime sending the message to their readers that making money is a filthy habit by badmouthing Republicans. It seems that Rolling Stone, making money from the masses, considder itself to be the Pantation owner, dictating what they have to think and say.Be realistic here…,the Democrats still are making tons of money, in the meantime sending the message to their readers that making money is a filthy habit by badmouthing Republicans. It seems that Rolling Stone, making money from the masses, considder itself to be the Pantation owner, dictating what they have to think and say.Be realistic here…,the Democrats still are making tons of money, in the meantime sending the message to their readers that making money is a filthy habit by badmouthing Republicans. It seems that Rolling Stone, making money from the masses, considder itself to be the Pantation owner, dictating what they have to think and say.Be realistic here…,the Democrats still are making tons of money, in the meantime sending the message to their readers that making money is a filthy habit by badmouthing Republicans. It seems that Rolling Stone, making money from the masses, considder itself to be the Pantation owner, dictating what they have to think and say.Be realistic here…,the Democrats still are making tons of money, in the meantime sending the message to their readers that making money is a filthy habit by badmouthing Republicans. It seems that Rolling Stone, making money from the masses, considder itself to be the Pantation owner, dictating what they have to think and say.Be realistic here…,the Democrats still are making tons of money, in the meantime sending the message to their readers that making money is a filthy habit by badmouthing Republicans.

  8. Controlling the message is thought control. How Orwellian. The negation of the freedom they falsely espouse. The success of the Progressive ideology can be measured in their major crime and violence infested cities, in the accelerating national debt, the inflation that taxes the poorest of us most, in the millions of illegal aliens and their socioeconomic cost to the nation.

  9. They don’t want black voters to think for themselves! They see them as stupid , too dumb to get a voter I.d. Or mark a ballot without being told how to do it! Rolling Stone is no longer relevant, they espouse the DEMONrat propaganda. The rappers have a right to say what they think! Who the hell is Rolling Stone to tell them to stop? If I were the rappers, I would flood the market with pro Trump rap!

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