One of the most renowned Christian scholars made one statement that has Democrats fuming

Christians have largely stayed silent over the years when it comes to politics.  But things are getting so bad that now some Christian leaders are starting to enter the fight for the soul of our [...]


  1. Thank you Bishop Strickland for first of all disputing the current policies of Francis who calls himself pope but does not stand by years of doctrine that was based on Biblical and revered beliefs Thank you for standing up for those who cannot defend themselves themselves–when we feel we can destroy the weakest of society-who comes next—and who decide they are god

    • Stop just leaving it to our pastors, we the community faith need to unite behind them and speak out as well. After the next step is euphoria for our senior citizens and anybody with a disability
      Let’s be very clear all life matters

    • There are some really good pro-life priests in the South who are not afraid to talk what is right with God re: the political world. God bless them to continue the good fight!

  2. People of faith have to fight against this evil in the Democratic Party. Aborting babies is pure evil and should be punished and stopped. If you don’t want children then either use the many ways to keep from getting pregnant or get sterilized.

  3. He hit the nail on the head. I was raised Catholic, but left the religion because of this, so called Pope. I lost all faith in the catholic religion because of him. I am now a non-dimensional Christian. I believe only in what is written in the Bible., and only what is written. I’m living my life the way God wants me to.

  4. everyone that votes for abortion (murdering a baby for birth control) is as guilty as the doctor that does the deed, and all those voters and doctors have to stand before All Mighty God and give an account for this terrible sin, and not being in Christ, gives them a place in hell.

  5. His comments are long overdue and should be amplified by the entire Christian community! God Bless the bishop for speaking the truth!!

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