Notorious election denier Stacey Abrams made one certifiably insane claim about the 2024 election she’ll never live down

Stacey Abrams has now run two Gubernatorial races in Georgia. But despite the fact that she’s a darling of Democrats’ media allies and was even considered as a potential running mate for Joe Biden in [...]


  1. I thought the democrats never said a election was rigged! Stacy is a joke. Democrats are a joke. They lie about everything but never take the blame for their disgusting acts against the American people. She needs to sit down and shut up.

  2. Abrams is the large industrial size fat,smelly election denier that couldnt win a blind mans beauty contest.

  3. Abrams is a disgrace to the black community not every black person is as ignorant as she is. Then they want to know why black Americans get such a bad reputation it’s from big mouths like Abrams low class ghetto hood dumbass.
    You can’t respect people that don’t respect themselves. Black people should ban her incompetence and corruption this person hid finances and tried to destroy evidence. Pack her ass up and ship her to the jungle where she belongs.
    And I am a black woman

  4. She is just not that smart. Maybe one day we will have heard the last of her. My guess is it’s not anytime soon. Maybe she should run for dog catcher.

    • Sad, smart is not the word,,,, maybe cunning?? Not smart got cortez and bimbo harris elected. Both helped murder 13 in Afghan w/o remorse.

  5. It’s obvious Democrats are ‘hell-bent’ on this nation’s destruction from within. And by all appearances they have all the help they need from the out-going administration from top to bottom.

  6. Where did this Fat Nasty Gap tooth Whale come from that she thought she could ever be anything important? she needs to crawl back into the Ocean where she belongs.

  7. Abram’s, Bragg, Leticia, and Fani should all be sent away on a slow cruise ship to Antarctica. The are terrible people who do nothing to help the black communities or anyone who comes in contact with them. It’s a big ship, I’m sure we can fill it with Pelosi, Schumer, Durbin, Soros etal. The world would be a better place without them dumb asses.

  8. She is so self absorbed that she can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Total denial that she is the one they want. get a grp and walk away, you are a loser, they DON”T want you.

  9. Abrams ass is as big as her mouth is and the same sh-t comes out both ends. Just another corrupt democrat dumbass that never knows when to choke the chicken. Disgrace to herself no respect. Find a new career

    • I live in Ga and we can’t stand her.
      She’s All Mouth and in Debit up to her head

  10. Stupid is as stupid says! We have women in GA that can’t spell vote and they want to be in charge. Go back to where you came from morans!!

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