New York City’s Democrat Mayor made one huge mistake that he’s going to live to regret

New York City Democrat Mayor Eric Adams is in a world of hurt after he was hit with federal charges.  But his problems all began because he ran his mouth.  And New York City’s Mayor [...]


  1. The problems in New York City all began because New York City Democrat Mayor Eric Adams he ran his mouth.

  2. Adams only mistake was,as a Democrat you can not speak against your hierarchy.That is the type of DOJ and Leaders that Biden/Obama seated.Hate and evil emanates from DC today

  3. So the Republican leaders try to turn this around by busing the ILLEGAL INVADERS deeper into the country?


    Being politically cute does NOT solve the problem!! It just makes it worse!! WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE ONES STILL PAYING FOR ALL OF THIS CRIME!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just busing them from Texas to New York merely plants them deeper into the country!

    • we the people of texas agree we should throw them out . but the people in charge ie the democrats want to keep letting them in, so being the generous understanding pwople we are we thought why not share them with the rest of the country. especially the sancturary cities , you all keep saying how much you want to help these poor people well then heres your chance.

      • Well stated Roger, but clueless and ignorant libs will still try and blame ever Else other than those responsible for the 20 million let in to our country.

    • They tried to send them back, keep them out, jail them etc but this administration made all those things impossible. They had the BP cut the barbed wire to let illegals in. They stopped the building of the wall. They said the floating barriers were inhumane so had to be removed. Had to document them and once they had the info needed they had to let them go. Texas was spending millions for a problem that the federal government created and was offering no help. Abbott’s answer was if sanctuary city wants them then we will send them there. Doing that caused two things to happne. It opened the eyes of the nation to show that the word anctuary city was just a gimmick since they really hadn’t needed to be one and two the problem became visible to the nation and more people were able to see and feel the reality of a problem the left said didn’t exist. So to get the attention at the national level Abbott had to do the bussing.

    • Totally disagree with you! Joe Priden and his Hoe, Kamaltoe Harris should be kicking them out. Don’t blame it on Abbot! Put the blame where it belongs. Harris is guilty! Screw her! TRUMP 2024

  4. Yes I believe mayor Adams is right all he had to do was open his mouth and tell the truth. Biden and the democrats have not been helping New York at all. Now this is the truth of how the democrats work. All the years they promised to do these good things for them.. and they would get elected to office
    But never came through with those good things. They did the same thing to the illegals just as soon as they no longer need them they will throw them under the bus as well. Look for all the illegals they let in just how many have a place to stay. And when the election is over with they will stop doing anything for them. Don’t you people understand this. They don’t give a chance if you starve to death. Just remember they will just go and get others to take your place and vote for them. I would be willing to bet they didn’t tell you that it is against our constitution and laws for you to vote. They don’t care if you go to jail for them, do you not see that they are betraying

  5. In truth, Harris after welcoming 1000 undocumented migrants into San Francisco, decided rather than take a chance of discovery FLEW 20,000 Haitians Tom Springfield. This city was overwhelmingly overrun. And she wants to be given another 4 years? Wake up America.

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