Nancy Mace lowered the boom when these Democrats proudly voted to further endanger vulnerable women

Democrats are preparing to do everything they can to stop the incoming Trump administration in its tracks and replace the America First mandate with their woke America Last agenda. Working class Americans deserve so much [...]


  1. They should be castrated . Just like all the other people that rape women and kids should be so they will never be able to use it again

  2. Every Democrap who voted against this legislation needs to have their names plastered on billboards in their home states so the women and families of those states can know who doesn’t care about their rights and freedoms and protections and care more about the rights of illegal alien criminals. They need to go back to their own states in disgrace.

  3. Nothing but a disgrace. It almost makes you wonder why anyone would vote against deporting an immigrant who is a rapist anyway. What’s in their closet?

  4. Why I’m not surprised Schiff and Pelosi as being in that list. They’re 2 despicable monsters who put they’re hatred before compassion and common sense. I wonder if Pelosi is a grandmother, bet your bottom dollar if an illegal harmed their children they’d be the first one to make sure the criminal pays. I often wonder do geese people have families. They think it could never happen to them. Well guess what it could, then that would be different if the shoe was on the other foot.

    • All that voted NO on this bill, move the criminals to where they live so their families can see what kind of people they want to hang around with. Any that have fences(like pelosi)put them on the inside.You want criminals, take care of them, you get charged along with them if you allow your ward to commit crimes.

  5. Well I saw the list of democrats in a majority if not all the democrats in California Voted against that bill of course California has over 1,000,000 illegal immigrants What can you expect Not the Not the normal American citizen We need the vote amount The area I live in The hypocrite got voted in for another 2 years But he thinks it’s OK to let criminals rape women and kids So sad, But When the people vote these kind of people in power I guess we all get what we don’t deserve too bad they don’t get it also

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