MSNBC’s Joy Reid pulled a new conspiracy theory out of thin air that may very well cost her everything

Of all the media outlets that trumpeted Kamala Harris’ doomed Presidential campaign, none were more arrogant and wrong than MSNBC’s discredited lineup of left-wing talking heads. But of all the loser hacks who read from [...]


    • Trump has 74% of the Nations votes and that translates to 74% of voters that believes in what he is, what he does and how he does business. MSNBC has to admit that they are bottom feeders and refuses to take responsibility for what their hosts commutes on their network.

  1. Joy Reid, and DeLauro are insane painted freaks typical of Democrat/KKK/Communist Party members. No brains, and all mouth.

  2. Both of them are loonies and for the one from my home state, I’m embarrassed to say she’s from Texas! I know my State can do better than her!

  3. It seems the Dems would rather spend time trying to find anything to put Trump out of the Presidency than try and work with Trump and the Reps to better the USA for the people.

  4. She has no common sense, as it all leaks out of her bald head. Put the wig back on, and come down from that fake cloud you float around on, and join reality. When are they going to get rid of this loser?

  5. why is it that the democrat cannot get along with others? to hear them speak about how having a conversation with another country leader just shows the arrogance and ignorance in that echo chamber.

  6. Is MSNBC going to wait until they get sued because of the lies that Reid spews out before they wise up and get rid of her and several others that are liabilities.

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