Military leadership made illegal remarks about Donald Trump that will leave you fearful for the future of America

The United States military is supposed to be politically impartial.  But it’s becoming crystal clear that the top brass is very involved in the outcome of the 2024 election.  Military leadership made illegal remarks about [...]


  1. Can’t wait for President Trump’s reelection then he can, can libturds like this clown who has just disgraced our great military that I once served in. People like him shouldn’t be wearing any uniform other than one from the girl scouts cause he sure as he’ll ain’t man enough to follow the law that he just disrespected in a majorly offesensive way. Military tribunals are what’s needed to get rid of scum American hating clowns we currently have.

    • It’s repulsive and heart breaking to know that America has military leaders who hate our country and its leaders. What has happened to America since 1776.

    • Secretary Del Toro is a traitor and should be thrown in jail as such..what a is moron’s like this moron that has the military in every war which we shhouldnot be..that is what needs to be cleaned out..the corruption of top military also..all part of the deepstate swamp..all the more we must make sure President Trump is back in the whitehouse ASAP..the corruption has beengoing on for far too long..too many have covered up crooked biden and they too should be thrown in jail…that is the way to clean and downsize goverment within..drain the massive cesspool of corruption..this moron needs to be thrown in jail..just like general miley another moron who was involved with the afganistan withdrawl..what a bunch of morons..85 billion of top military equipment..the best of the best..crooked biden did that on purpose taking orders from obama..dont kid yourself obamas hands are all over alot of the massive all will be drained…

    • toro is a CATHOLIC TRAITOR. Vote for ANY CATHOLIC “C” and you vote for treason. R and D mean nothing to a “C” traitor. All Catholics are traitors…..third of all elected in the USA now are of the ‘religion’ of south of the USA.. Allow any of either ‘religion’ in and the nation is doomed. this is proven over the course of a thousand years. .. Vote for proven failure of a thousand years and you will be forced to be a failure too.

      • Now what excuse do you think he will come up with for his defense? As his actions are all on video, word for word. But he will hang around untill President Trump in voted back in office, then he knows he’s out on his ear, but PT should bring the law down on him very hard, to make an example of him for anyone that’s thinking they can get away with this type of action in the future.
        President Trump as learnt a hell of a lot about politics and to how dirty it is, he won’t fall for their tactics this time around, he won’t fall for it again, two near misses on his life maybe three, he’s really hardened up to their dirty tactics they are prepared to play, he won’t forget what the traitors to the USA did!

  2. So, this high ranking Federal Official openly and loudly violated the law. Right? But who did anything about it? Anyone in authority? The Gutless Old Pussycat Party? Anyone?

    NO! As usual they were allowed to openly violate the law AND THEIR OATH OF OFFICE in favor of the Democrat/Communist Party and their Party Bosses in CHINA!

    Imagine, though, had he said anything favorable to Trump or any other supporter of the US Constitution that he SWORE to defend. The ENTIRE US government and 90% of the news media would have come down all over him. He’d probably be behind bars waiting trial.

    No. Nobody did or said anything about it.

    R.I.P., USA! Destroyed from the inside by your own STUPID/IGNORANT people!

    • What she said! Just one minor adjustment to your comment, Can you drop “cat” from pussycat? Cats aren’t gutless. Otherwise perfect!

    • I agree 100%, It makes me sick to see waht is going on and some people just don’t care. As long as they can survive in their own little world they don’t care what happens. People will regret not listening to what we are trying to tell them. I feel so very bad for my granddaughter and my great granddaughter. What kind of future is she going to have?

    • The same scenario with Gen. Milley when it was revealed he “stabbed” DJT’s back by calling his Communist Chinese counter part that he will give China first hand warning in the event of military confrontation between the U.S. and China…In my strong opinion what Gen. Milley did was “treason” but the U.S. Military didn’t do anything and neither the U.S. Congress with the democrats as majority…Was it controlled by corrupt Deep State or corrupt govt officials??

  3. Top brass must be all woke and gay. They are a disgrace to America. All should be charged with treason. Obama really screw America with his anti-American military top brass. Top brass are why so many of the American troops are killed. No training to survive a war just feelings so the woke culture won’t get their feelings hurt. Don’t just throw them out charge them with treason. Disgrace to America!

    • Necessary changes won’t happen under Biden/Harris or Harris/Walz. Can you imagine these woke trannies defending America in the event of an attack? We need Trump back to clean up our military to make us great again. So much clean up to do elsewhere also.


      • Trouble is that Trump screwed the pooch when he let Miley get away with committing treason. I don’t know if it is too late to recouver from the communist takeover.

        We have to try, and hope that he can turn things around.

        TRUMP 2024!!!!!

    • This is a traitor to our uniform and our country, this is the Biden military and he needs to be court marched for this. We have a bunch of worthless cowards in our mist. God help us if we go to war because it will be lost before it begins. I hope we have more brave soldiers then bad ones.

    • Actually it all started with Clinton, then went downhill from there as far as this woke nonsense is concerned in our military.

    • the place to begin with the charges of treason is the Whitehouse. charge bidum, and cacklin camel with treason, get the trials done and git-er-done once that is started just continue right on down the line.

  4. With COMMIE Kamala & her “CHINESE SUPPORTING V.P.”, PEOPLE HAD BEST “”BE ON THEIR KNEES, PRAYING TO GOD ALMIGHTY”” FOR MERCY ON AMERICA!!! These Communists “will destroy” every ounce of freedoms we have when they DESTOY OUR CONSTITUTION AND REMOVE GOD, BIBLES, CHURCHES, CROSSES, ALL FORMS OF “OUR FAITH” in favor of OBAMA & HIS ISLAMIC IMAM. Obama has been the force behind Biden/Harris for the past 3 1/2+ years. IF they should be the next prsident(s) (Kamala,Walz,Obama)
    it will be a “”package deal””, America is doomed. These illegal “”young gangs””, who have no respect for “LIFE” of the Americans, it will be an “all out ATTACK” on our lives, and Our COUNTRY will be destined for total corruption, death and no recovery. WE CAN’T HANDLE ALL THESE ILLEGALS COMING HERE DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!! “””KAMALA IS, “”FOR OPEN BORDERS””, & WILL “KEEP” BRINGING IN MORE ILLEGALS, “”FOR, WHO KNOWS HOW LONG””?? “”WE NEED TRUMP!”” WE NEED THE BORDER SHUT DOWN AND ILLEGALS “RETURNED TO THEIR COUNTRY!” People in CENTRAL PARK in NEW YORK, are being robbed of phones and money by “ILLEGALS”!! KAMALA HAS DONE “”N O T H I N G”” about the border for
    “”3 & A HALF YEARS!!”” SHE’S “NOT” GOING TO DO ANYThING IN THE FUTURE!! “”SHE SAID SO!!””. It won’t be long before she starts moving us out of our homes so ILLEGALS CAN MOVE IN!!! “””SHE’S AGAINST “YOU”!!”” She’s IN FAVOR OF “ILLEGALS”!!! (acutally, it’s not her, It’s “”OBAMA””!!) “””If TRUMP isn’t our next President,
    “WE CAN “”””KISS AMERICA GOOD BYE””!!! (& mostly, our LIVES”!!)”””

    • Kamala lied through her teeth during last night’s debate! She said she’s for the wall which she previously stated before that it was immoral, she’s against banning fracking which she stated before that she was adamantly for banning ALL fracking and many more flip-flops. Trump was correct to say that Kamala will flip again once elected. She plagiarized many of Trump’s campaign promises. She told many lies about Trump but never got fact-checked as Trump was fact-checked many, many times. As expected, the moderators were extremely biased. We need Trump back in the WH to clean up the huge messes that the Biden/Harris created. We can’t let Harris/Walz win the election! Vote Trump/Vance 2024 before it’s too late to salvage America from the destructive path that the Dems are on!!!

      • I know and agree with everything you said, but it’s down to you to get out and help out President Trump back in the White House, it’s your country and you should fight fight fight for it, I’m British so don’t have a dog in your fight, as we’ve got our own problems here in the UK, with this Communist Starmer leading the country on a downward slide to the bottom. In election day I was out campaigning for 16 hours, I support the Reform Party, Nigel Farage as leader, I’m 77 years old and have plenty of time on my hands, I got involved for my grandchildren not for myself, the world as turned on it’s head, every politician of the old political parties are just like yours, are in it for themselves. You have to get involved if you want your country back!

    • Thier will be a CIVIL WAR and China will enter the shores of the Communist West Coast States with Obama Harris allowing this to happen . MOST OF U.S. military will side with PATRIOTS against this invasion.

      • dont forget Florida surrounded by the Chinese in the Bahamas, and Russians back in Cuba,and we have so many important military bases in our state. Florida can be sure its on target lists.

  5. Obama is in charge, and if Harris wins, that would be his fourth term in office. We need strong leadership and a strong military willing to serve and protect the American people. Harris did not take care of our border, no vetting, just let them all in, no matter who, no matter where they were from, and no matter what crimes they might have committed!
    Now, she wants those illegals to vote! And Obama had the gall to say illegals can vote!!!!!NO, they cannot vote in the US, they aren’t citizens!

    • Amen. Obama is the man that needs to be thrown in Gitmo for treason now,because is factor in all things that wrong in this country along with all the other communists in the government and we would solve alot of problems in this country.

    • Sorry, Gose, you got the movement right, but you got the players wrong. Harris has been snuggling up w Alex Soros, George’s son and a much greater Zealot, and the Clintonistas, for political cash and infrastructure support. At this point, Barry is barely a hanger-on.
      The party, and their media support for Kamala didn’t happen by accident. It is the strong hand of Soros that is whitewashing Kamala’s curriculum vitae and guiding Kamala’s desired Ship of State toward the November elections. It would be a serious mistake by the Trump team not to recognize the new power behind Kamala’s campaign and their reach for the WH. The Disney debate was just one leg of the Left’s organized program to snatch the WH from DJT’s reach once again. Kamala in the WH could actually happen. And it could even happen before the November election. Soros putting party pressure on Biden to retire before November is in their game plan.

  6. I’m so ashamed of our Military Leaders! They violate the laws and nothing happens to them. Our service men & women are being led by self-indulgent leaders who are incompetent Cowards! President Trump Was correct, sometimes people need to be fired

  7. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good!

  8. Politically appointed Defense Department executives are free to express political opinions, and have done so since the beginning of the Republic. Members of the Armed Forces are forbidden to do so unless they are retired from service, and if any are doing so, it is so rare that the media and the public seem completely unaware of it.

  9. With the Leftists always is attempting to become the power of our great Republic, and they will do anything to get and then keep the power forever, and the Conservatives will be killed and/or enslaved by the evil, traitorous Leftists, and the press and the social media thugs with help them do just that.

  10. Phony Baloney Kamala is a congenital liar who never accomplished anything worthwhile as a prosecutor, senator, or vice-president. Now she talks about her plans to create paradise in the U.S. but never acknowledges the Biden-Harris administration’s responsibility for the obscene number of illegal migrants who crossed our southern border, the dangerous crimes committed by many, the hollowing out of our military, the high inflation rate their policies caused, the weaponization of federal agencies to arrest and bankrupt the Republican choice for president, their terrible handling of withdrawing from Afghanistan, and their atrocious handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.

  11. Notice this site is not what you think It’s nice it about giving you a voice. It gathers your info To be used against you Notice if you are against the killing of our most innocent among us . They never let your voice be heard
    God see and knows

  12. He should be court marshalled as a traitor to our country for betraying his oath and not following policy, Who knows what else he said to go against our country. All of our military are for democracy not for communism/fasism. We do not need this!!!!

  13. Sec Del Toro must be prosecuted under the Hatch Act. I spent 30 years in the military and never spoke out publically against any candidiate running for federal office. I have and always be an American patriot but the leaders like Del Toro and his kind will destroy our nation because they are not patriots, they are subversives, marxists and liars.

  14. If this SecNav SOB can’t or won’t follow orders, and looks for excuses to second guess his commander-in-chief, he doesn’t belong in that office.
    Retire him or Fire him. He doesn’t belong in charge of the Navy.
    FTB! Fire the Ba$tard!
    This is the kind of bureaucratic thinking that occupied our Navy Commanders in November, 1941!
    And we all know how that turned out!
    It took a General like Eisenhower 3 years after the PH fiasco to clean the military out and produce a cadre of military leaders that could organize, coordinate and successfully execute an operation like the D-Day invasion in 1944! A career Navy man like Del Toro fits the 1941 model here. He certainly does not fit the 1944 model that a POTUS like FDR needed, and a POTUS like DJT needs to address today’s military functions in the field. We have seen how “successful” Del Toro’s leadership was in pulling off Biden’s attempts to send supplies to the Gaza refugees (his airdrops missed their targets on the beach, more than half went into the ocean, and the landing pier they tried to build off shore to Gaza kept getting washed away by the tides). The Navy’s attempts to thwart the Houthi’s assaults on shipping thru the Red Sea is no more successful than their efforts in Gaza were. We need some “Can Do” leadership in our Navy, not the DEI bureaucrats like Del Toro that now occupy those positions. The navy got their shots and their pronouns right, but they sure can’t produce in the field where they are needed to produce actual results.

    • … and the US navy’s games of chicken w the Chinese navy in the gulf of Taiwan is producing more chuckles than awe and fear from their Chinese Navy counterparts… These are all points noticed by our BRICS competitors, including Russia, China, Iran. N Korea, Singapore and Panama not to mention our allies Saudi, India, Australia, the Philippines, Guam, Taiwan, Japan and S Korea.
      Sec Del Toro would do well to remember that Actions produce Consequences, especially since Del Toro’s game is so weak.

  15. We have a trader in office now one who really did not win to be in there. And said person and his helper vice president is all out on destroying America and so far doing a dam good job. And the vice is running to be next president – Lord help us if she wins- are country is in very bad shape and needs some one in the Whitehouse who loves America and wants it to be great again and I want it to be great again so I’m voting for Trump I want my America to live.

  16. Biden and Harris and Obama has made our military weak and Joe Biden has made America the laughs in stock of the world they know he is weak and he is not the one running America. There is only one person out there that is strong enough to stand up to these countries just like he did in his first four years that’s why we need Trump back in the White House to make America great again and respected and feared around the world and to rebuild our military to make it strong again. I love America and I want it to keep it the beautiful country I lived in my whole life we have to keep America the home of the free and the brave and safe from the corrupt communist Democrat Party so let’s make America great again so vote Trump on November 5th 2024

  17. I am anxiously awaiting the re-election of President Trump to clean house of the defectives appointed by Biden, the worst defective of all.

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