Melania Trump just shut down this sick lie by Democrats about Donald Trump and his supporters

Melania Trump has had enough. Democrats and the media spent the past eight years dragging her husband through the mud. And Melania Trump just shut down this sick lie by Democrats about Donald Trump and [...]


    • I certainly pray you are right Mati the democratic party are such liars. They cover for every criminal thing one their party does and gets by with it. Never any punishment at all. I wish we could replace them all. Donald Trump has put the American People before his family and his self. He was a great President in spite of all they put him through before and he will be even better this time. I know the democrats will cheat whatever way they can. Just like they did last time. I just pray Trump wins this election because if the deems win there will be no turning back. no drilling for gas, no good jobs, more and more illegals coming into our country. More crime, more murders. Please God let Trump win the election

        • hear ear!, Thank God He has won! too big to rig otherwise they would have gotten away with another steal. we need to bring back GOD ALL MIGHTY and His COMMANDMENTS! i am a Torah keeper as He never did away with His Covenant laws nor His 10 Commandments! Its going to be a tumultuous next 4 yrs for our President, I know He knows it was Yahusha (Jesus) who made that bullet miss his head! but he best beware about letting ppl. lay there hands upon him in prayers as i saw wolves among the sheep reaching out to touch him, witches.

    • I think you 100% right! God isn’t going to allow them to win, but we need to pray for Trump & this country.

  1. I felt the same way about his first administration team. Never having been in the political cesspool before his election he trusted the lead men in the cabinet and other ruling groups. He learned the hard way while in office those four years and now knows a lot more about “how the game is played” and which advisors and leaders to trust!!!

    • God has told Julie Green that he still has someone n his team that has helped set him up. That person help with the golf course incident. He needs to have their cell phones checked.

      • Our HaMachiach is having mercy on us! we must REPENT as a NATION! and turn back to ur Creator i believe this is a huge wake up call for REPENTANCE. And Camille you are right they need to find out who all knew he would be golfing on that day he normally would not have been!

  2. America was great when Trump was president. We had oil from US and jobs here. Inflation was lower and everyone knows as soon as Biden won , everything drastically changed starting with tearing down the wall! I believe he can do wonders for this country and I support Trump all the way! 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Make America great again!!!! ❤️

  3. You never show the results of your poll 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

  4. If you listen to Trump what other way can you take it than he is someone that wants to be a dictator. Not nice stuff comes out of mouth.

    • You only heard part of it!! He said he wanted to be a dictator his first day!! That was so he could cancel the disastrous Executive Orders that Biden passed on His first day. You know, the 13 that canceled Trump’s orders which had been passed to start the recovery of our country as soon as Trump was elected.

    • Well you ain’t got no one to talk about stuff that comes out of Trump’s mouth maybe you better start worrying about what’s coming out of the Democrats mouth they’re the worst

      • Kamala said in one statement, once she gets in she will go after all of the ones who did not vote for her. What does that say about being a dictator! The way she talks first she wants a free America for all, then the next minute she make threats against the American people. She can promise anything right now. Once she gets in like Obama told her, you win, they lost, do what you want! Does that tell anybody what is on their minds!

    • Apparently, you’re NOT listening TO him, but to his opponents ABOUT him. Either that, or you simply don’t understand his New York way of saying things, or you simply WANT to believe the worst about him.

    • You would probably have a completely different attitude if you had been lied about, your family harassed by the FBI and media, much less all the lawfare by the Biden administration. Think about what all Trump and family have had to put up with because of Leftist jealousy.

    • Ron, man, check out “The TRUCE” — by Kamildew’s OWN STAFFERS in her abortion of a Primary ‘Campaign” – flat as a pancake before a single vote. THEY SAW INSIDE — she had NO CAPACITY for leadership; constantly made BAD, DESTRUCTIVE decisions about how to proceed — which undermined it all. They concluded she had NO LEADERSHIP POTENTIAL This was published in JANUARY, 2024, before anyone suspecte4d she’d wind up on ANY ticket, let alone, by ROYAL CORONATION of Dem-ELITES, overriding ALL democratic process at the DNC/chicago. A TRAVESTY from START to FINISH!!! Kommie D. doesn’t have it in her. As for friend Walz – a flat-out Maoist, who has a fondling for 14-y-o boys in his HS – while Gwen, his wife, ENABLES him! This is a serious “Allegation” in court right now, reads as VERY authentic. Sorry, RON. MORE word of same ‘involvement by TamponTim with his several groups of kids corralled to Red China… but they haven’t yet filed. If THAT’s what you Prefer, you’re backing the wrong HEARSE!!!

    • Ron, you don’t even use good English. And you couldn’t be more wrong about Donald Trump. I have never understood why liberals keep their heads in the sand refusing to admit their life was better during the Trump admin. Why would anyone in their right mind want open borders, more horrible crime and violence, inflation, hatefulness and evil rhetoric. Trump knows what he is doing and how to make this country a more decent place to live where Americans can be proud of their country WITHOUT government control. The less government, the better. I want my country back as well as good, decent people. If anyone is going to be dictator, it would be the liberal Democrats!

    • He just wants to stop the direction the country is going. You think the
      same “not nice stuff” isn’t coming out of democrats mouths. What’s all this
      “threat to democracy. Hitler, etc. He already served 4 year’s and none of what the dems are saying came to pass. Let’s stop the WOKE stuff and the harmful rhetroic on both sides and get our country back on the right track

    • i have never heard dictatorship coming from him, u got to understand we all have our own personalities so look past tone of voice and specif words as one hears more than is said . be blessed!

  5. This is what the communist do They treat the average citizen Like garbage And they called us garbage. If the people of America Want America Back as it was 4 years ago then we need to start with trump In command And a senate , , a hou, a , a house That will support his policies to bring America back to a democracy I pray It will happen It will happen in 2 days god bless you

    • We need the Senate to vote for Barrasso to replace McConnell’s Senate leader position and not Thune or Cornyn. Thune and Cornyn voted with the Dems often. They are fully for our involvement in the Ukraine war. Barrasso has always had Trump’s back. We need the House and Senate working with Trump. In the House, not sure about Mike Johnson. He says one thing and does another a lot and has conceded to the Dems a few times.

      • we need to have Jim Jordan from Ohio to replace Johnson…He does not pull any punches and is totally for America, and will have Trumps back…..

    • I cannot believe that Hilary and Michelle Obama, and Jill Biden have in the past called the oppenents degenerets, and terrorists and evil people, now we are called garbage. Yet Michelle stands on the podium both her and her husband and declares that Trump is dividing America. If the Democrats and people are voting that way see this, how can they have any respect for anyone that called fellow Americans these names. That in itself would make me think again on who to vote for!

  6. I am for Trump all the way, He cares for this country, Harris just wants a name for herself and has no idea how to run this country 9

  7. The Democrat/Communist party are the most Satanic bunch we have ever had in office ever in my time. Their day is coming they will live with satan for ever. Hell will be hot.

  8. Melinana Trump is 100% correct. Democrats are ignorant and we need our Great Leader Back Now before we are all destroyed. He has stood up too so many lies and dishonest cronies. It’s now time for Americans too stand up for Donald Trump and JD. Vance . Thank you Melina Trump and all who supports a Great Leader.Robert

  9. I pray every night for Trumps return to the Oval Office. I dont understand how the Dems can be so evil. Where I live in Montana, people are so loving and always ask if they can help me while shopping as I am 90 and disabled. I have lived in California and will never, ever go back, even to visit. Then I had a career in NV in the Capital City and it was very loving also except competitive at work.

    • THANKFUL there are still kind ppl. who reach out to help u! im 62 disabled and where i live…… u get no help.


  11. I have seen this man do what he says he is going to do . Trillions in aide given out by this administration yet can’t build the wall remember that ? Any normal person can go into the store and see prices have risen I could afford to travel to work when Trump was in. Crime is over the top in all these sanctuary cities with cartels and so much more ! God bless Donald J. Trump if he wasn’t right they wouldn’t be trying to kill him like they did to JFK

  12. Donald Trump absolutely MUST be our next President or we can kiss our Country goodbye! Elon Musk will be a huge help in cutting out wasteful spending, too. I am just so afraid even if Donald Trump wins, they will do everything possible to see he never gets in the Oval Office! My reason saying this is because of an article I read that actually said that. BUT, We the people will not stand for that!!!

  13. Well I voted on this question! And the results did not show up! This not the first time? It seems if it has any thing to do with Former President Donal Trump, they do not give the results? I believe that this is just, yet another way the MEDIA CENSORS MAGA AMERICA SUPPORTS? I AM SICK TO DEATH THE WAY TREAT THIS MAN! IN 2016, 17 CANDIDATES WERE BOILED DOWN TO TWO, SOS HILARY CLINTON AND DONALD TRUMP, A BUSINESS MAN? We meaning the Country of America had already had a TASTE OF SOS HILARY; and I had enough of her under President Obama? So the only choice that was left was Donald Trump! I figured if he could make MILLIONS, than why not give him a chance to FIX AMERICA? I BELIEVE THAT PRESIDENT TRUMP WAS THE RIGHT MAN, IN THE RIGHT PLACE AND AT THE PERFECT TIME IN AMERICA TO BE PRESIDENT! I can not imagine what Our Country would have done or been like Under Hilary? HE GOT ALL OF THE MFG COMPANIES TO START MAKING THE PRODUCTS THAT WERE NEEDED DURING COVID-19, VIRUS? I believe that Millions more would have died if he had not been the President at that time? I again voted for him in (“2020”), I still believe he won! I started voting since Nixon was President, and every President I have ever voted for had won as President, until (“2020”)? I also know about Computers and software, a program can be written, than used and when it is done it can be erased, so that you would never know that it was tampered with?

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