Megyn Kelly utterly humiliated an ABC News host by revealing this terrible secret

Megyn Kelly doesn’t have any time for the media’s shenanigans this election cycle. She didn’t pull any punches in a fight with a self-proclaimed “journalist.”  And Megyn Kelly utterly humiliated an ABC News host by [...]


  1. ABC-Anything BUTT Conservative. Reports on everything but the real news, what ever happened to the time when the news stations reported the news?

  2. Thank you Megyn for speaking up for all of us about the terrible things some of the right journalists say. They should be ashamed of themselves. You are one of the very best journalists that speak the truth. We appreciate you.

  3. Megyn, Thank you for your perceptiveness, honesty and for shedding light on the travesties taking place in our country, just like Aurora, because of the ignorance of Border Czar Kamala Harris… She will be voted out of office for her poor performance as Border Czar alone…..

  4. These so called “gangs” are in reality terrorist organizations and should be treated as such. The American people are being conned successfully by the foreign powers controlling them. Save lives, take them out now.

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