Megyn Kelly flipped out over this disgusting Tim Walz video

Tim Walz continues to create controversy. He is violating the number one rule of a running mate, which is to do no harm. And Megyn Kelly flipped out over this disgusting Tim Walz video. Walz’s [...]


  1. If he’s lying before he’s even elected, just imagine what he’ll be like if he’s elected! They’re nothing but lies and they’ll destroy our country!

    • He is a ‘sleeping cell’ for the enemy, right here ‘in country’ and seeking #2 leadership position in the White House! And he can’t differentiate male from female. How messed up is that? Would he actually use the same restroom, Kamala Harris choose walking into his restroom? Really?

    • I don’t get it? Is the Democratic people so stupid and hellbent on Trump NOT being President that they would rather destroy our country with these two idiot’s?!!
      If Trump or Vance did anything like this, the #DEMONAZIS would be going out of their minds trying to do what ever they could do to stop the election! I’m hoping that this country’s legal voters finally has enough and does what needs to be done and that is to stop this 🐂💩 madness and vote TRUMP/VANCE2024 or we’re going to become a third world country!
      Actually I think it’s time to derail the Democratic party! They are no longer working for the better of our country and they ALL TOOK AN OATH NEVER TO DO HARM TO THIS COUNTRY!
      Time to finish cleaning house!
      👰 ❤🌹🇺🇸TRUMP/VANCE20024🇺🇸🌹❤

    • My father was a WWII vet and was a Guardsman for 20 years. If he was still living to hear this bs, he would be appalled. He also hated Kerry for that same reason.

  2. The man is a liar just like Harris and Biden. Too elect them is 4 more years of making AMERICA a third world COUNTRY. If they steal this one it is time to find a new COUNTRY because there will be nothing left to destroy in this one.

  3. Harris and walls are nothing but lying corrupt baby killers who attempted to murder Trump and let thousands of Americans be killed by their criminal illegals and they including Biden should be charged for all those murders because they caused them

  4. My late brother joined the U.S. Army National Guard and served two tours in Vietnam (he died in a motorcycel accident after returning to civilian life). Tim Walz’s lies are an insult to him and thousands of other service members who actually deployed to a war zone. Harris and Walz do not measure up to the ethical standard required to be our Commander-In-Chief and potential Commander-In-Chief only one heartbeat away from that important role. They are an insult to the legacy of those who honorably served.

    • Face it. Waltz is a lying nutjob.You want to put tampons in boys bathrooms. He is so confused. He let rioters burn his city. Nutjob. He tried to sneak by having the public think he was a combat vet. Crazy nutjob.

  5. how can anyone who call themselves Americans elect two people like these !!!!!!
    The whole Ideah is insane!!!!!! What is happening to this great country ours !!!!

  6. I see the real issue as how the hell did he get security clearance?
    No one verified his work history?
    Not one peep when he ran for office it must have been a “fixed” elections that the obvious was ignored?

  7. My brother in law was in Vietnam and ended up dying from Agent Orange. It was a horrible death. My husband was also a Veteran of Vietnam but because his brother was in Vietnam at the same time he served at the Pentagon and then Germany. He was also a cop for 42 years. I have 2 brothers who are veterans and retired from their respective military careers. Tampon Tim is an affront to their military careers. He can’t be trusted ever, he’s a consummate liar about who he is.

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