Megyn Kelly dropped the hammer on Joe Biden for this desperate political stunt

Joe Biden is trying to save his political career as many of his fellow Democrats call for him to step aside in the 2024 Presidential race. Now he’s colluding with Democrats’ media allies to give [...]


  1. The media and the democrats have been shielding Joe since 2020, hiding him in his basement, scripted notes, teleprompter. Commander in chief should be able to talk about things without relying on everything written out for him. They all knew he had cognitive issues before the election in 2020. Shame on them all

  2. Why don’t you write about Trump using the teleprompter? He uses it also and when, in one of his speeches it failed he didn’t know what to do.
    Using a teleprompter is not a crime nor is it cheating. Most speakers use one. When a teleprompter is not used, to the best of my knowledge, is when questions are asked.

    • Trump doesn’t need a teleprompter and in fact he didn’t use one at the RNC! Biden can’t give a speech without notes or a teleprompter!

  3. Joe Biden soon will be called before the House for massive theft from his family for decades the ship will sink.Hunter is a blot on the rotten family. rump will soon remove the Biden name from the records as Comer advances the investigation……..

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