Megyn Kelly demolished Kamala Harris for this awful hoax against Donald Trump

Kamala Harris reached deep into the Democrats’ bag of dirty tricks against Donald Trump. She didn’t count on anyone noticing the important details.  And Megyn Kelly demolished Kamala Harris for this awful hoax against Donald [...]


  1. They will try anything, including “Cheating”, to keep Donald Trump from winning! Just like they did in 2020! It won’t work this time, because Lara Trump has hired thousands of witnesses to watch while the votes are counted and they will NOT leave, until all votes are counted!

    • What about that guy who stuffed ballots in the ballot box 3 times on film? Where did he get all the votes that were in favor of Biden and Harris? A lot of loose ends and the Democrats are all behind it?

    • I have experienced selective editing by MSM, they will take what you say, edit it and it will become the exact opposite of what you said.
      Democrats are no different

  2. I am Praying for Donald J Trump & Vance to win the Presidency! God Help Us! If Donald J Trump doesn’t win the most important election ever, in the history of America! Our Country will be gone forever! We can’t afford to lose this Election and Country!

      • Are you trying to sound intelligent- you failed butbU’m confident what ever Trump chose to do he would be successful – Kamala has proven consistently her voiced policies and deep held beliefs have not resignated with voters – had she not had a sugar daddy in Willie Brown she would not have been given the DA position or the.Senator position – and if you can’t see what she has assisted with in creating havoc then you are either blind or ignorant

      • Are you that out of touch with how things work in our government? When was the last time a dog catcher was an elected official?

  3. Harris is from day one of her term…is the one that stopped our secure boarder that our President Trump had in place and made the crisis we have today!!! She should be held accountable!

  4. Kamala and Walz are TWO IDIOTS who should not be running for Pres or V.P. They are DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY. They do not carte about AMERICA. THEY WANT US TO BE A COMMUNIST NATION !! NO “F***ING WAY !!!!

  5. Everything Harris is doing in her campaign is opposite of what she will actually do. All she cares about is power like all Democrats who don’t care about the needs of the people ,but to fulfill Her own agenda with the extreme left message!!!

  6. America needs Trump, he is our last hope to fix what he had already done, before they made this big fat mess every where. It is not normal to have all these weird things going on in our country. President Trump does not have to be our President he loves us, all of us. He cares for our Police, Military, all our community helpers. NORMAL PEOPLE WORK TOGETHER to have the very best for people of all color and age. God Bless Trump

  7. This communist will completely destroy the America I’ve known for 77 years. We must stop the Democrats on November 5. MAGA

  8. Anyone with any sense knows Obama is still running things, Camilla is just another puppet. They will stop at nothing.

  9. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

  10. If people believe what Obama is telling Harris to say, I have a Brooklyn bridge I would love to sell you. She is a liar, cheat and one reason she is setting up for illegals to vote is that’s probably the ONLY way she could win. Trump will MAGA!!!! As he did the first 4 years he was in the White House.

  11. We NEED to make sure to vote foe TRUMP in November and dump the donkeys. And give the hay to harris and obama.

  12. That is the problem. Everything Kamala Harris says is a spin (edited version) on what was really said! The Democratic Party lies and twists everything but if you are intelligent enough to listen to both sides and not just their brainwashing you realize how evil and what liars they are!

  13. To a communist, to lie is part of their religion. They are losers, they are planning to steal every penny from you. Then to control you, they will create a food shortage. It is in the works, they have done this in Europe, now, they want to it in the USA. Every country that communist have gained power with in few years it is destroyed. If you want to see American on its knees vote for them losers. To get rid of them, it take lots of blood.

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