Mark Zuckerberg just made a $1 million donation that has Trump supporters demanding answers

Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta – the parent company for Facebook and Instagram – helped censor the Hunter Biden laptop story ahead of the 2020 election. But with Donald Trump heading back to the White House, the [...]


  1. no no no he is a snake. and there is a couple more like dr.oz , and i forget the other one, but pert much the same.

    • Only to tell whether Mark Zuckerberg is sincere and can stay that way throughout the time. One millionDollars is lot of money most Americans. But when you’re worth $215.7 billion. I guess it’s not a lot of money but, to make it donation like this to someone who you’ve been publicly against for a long time was a great gesture. It seems like he’s wanting to make things right, but as I said at the beginning of this comment, it only time will tell. I hope is that sincere and that he will continue to work with and not go cross president elect, Donald Trump. One thing I think is well known about Donald Trump is that he is very cautious with people who make these kind of gestures. You will trust this man in you, man makes these kind of statements, but I think he also is cautious in ways to see is just how sincere Mr. Zuckerberg is overtime.

    • Only to tell whether Mark Zuckerberg is sincere and can stay that way throughout the time. One millionDollars is lot of money most Americans. But when you’re worth $215.7 billion. I guess it’s not a lot of money but, to make it donation like this to someone who you’ve been publicly against for a long time was a great gesture. It seems like he’s wanting to make things right, but as I said at the beginning of this comment, it only time will tell. I hope is that sincere and that he will continue to work with and not double cross, president elect, Donald Trump. One thing I think is well known about Donald Trump is that he is very cautious with people who make these kind of gestures. You will trust this man in you, man makes these kind of statements, but I think he also is cautious in ways to see is just how sincere Mr. Zuckerberg is overtime.

      • Pastor Ron, I don’t think you should wait for a change. Mark is covering himself, not helping a REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT! Mark is all about Mark! How many millions did he give the Democrats? I have faith, but it is hard to give Mark the benefit of the doubt on this one.

    • True, I’m banned from Zuck’s Facebook… apparently forever… for merely telling the truth… if he wants some trust, the LIAR needs to re-instate everyone banned for telling the truth! For a ‘starter’… Also, same situation at Musk’s Twitter/X…

  2. I have NO trust in what Zuckerberg says! He is a demonrat after all. He is trying to buy favor with President Trump so he won’t be prosecuted for censoring people on his site! He is a RAT, don’t trust him!

  3. There is no way anyone with common sense, for a second should ever trust this little snake and his chair pillow. he is up to no good and walk away from him at all costs. This is to cover his dirty A** and nothing more.

  4. The million dollars is a gesture of respect. Does Zuckerburg want to be part of it ? So, do I ! Trump already HAS a million dollars. He can’t be bought for a million dollars.

    • I pray President Trump is more intelligent than to allow Mark to buy him off with any amount of money. This is another scheme for the Democrats, and that is what Mark is. He will sneak into the White House through the cracks to obtain information for HIS PARTY! Mark is a huge trouble for the USA and President Trump! A leopard cannot change its spots, and I am afraid this is Mark’s intention!!!! The word change is not in Mark’s vocabulary.

  5. Zuckerberg stole the idea for FaceBook from 2 seniors when he was a freshman at Harvard. Now he is trying to buy a cabinet position. This is exactly how the Democrats work. Like the $2 billion Hillary Clinton still cannot account for from the 2010 Haitian Earthquake Fund. She sure seems to have bought a lot of favors in D.C. with at least some of that money. Trump should do 1 of 2 things. 1 – Return the money or 2 keep the money and give it to a charity and tell Zuck to go pound sand. We need all of the corruption driven out of our government NOW!!

  6. Zuckerberg is a user. Look what he did to his own friend …and now he owns Facebook. I would never trust that liar.

  7. There is no gravity–Zuck Sucks.and thats what holds it all down. No luck Zuck,no one will ever really trust you.

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