Mark Cuban just gave Elon Musk one warning that left Donald Trump stunned

The 2024 Presidential race has ignited a feud between billionaires Mark Cuban and Elon Musk. Musk endorsed Donald Trump while Cuban is fawning over Kamala Harris. But Mark Cuban just gave Elon Musk one warning [...]


  1. mark cuban is so wrong supporting kamala and walz.. he needs a reality check how they are not going to solve the real problems.. just look at the mess in sanctuary cities and now the hurricane disaster and how they respond … they just dont care about the citizens of usa…

    • So true!
      Trump kept the promises he made when President, but the Democrat Senate hindered as much as possible.
      I agree with all Elon said and admire his courage.
      Trump must win to save American!

    • Yes, on all points. K&W don’t care about the common person. All they want to do is ‘rule’ over the people. They will not lift a finger to disaster victims. They’re giving everything to the illegals anyway. And they still can’t distinguish one gender from another! They will even mutilate children according to their desires, regardless of parents rights/consent, beliefs, etc…Oh, and gangs will dominate ‘sanctuary cities’ without consequences, prosecution; NOT A DAY OF JAIL TIME/INCARCERATION OF ANY KIND. But they will do everything in their power to take out all opposition to their agenda.

      • You go guy! Our Beautiful Country and People will be destroyed. The devastation will never come back to life. Trump is our answer. Harris and Walz, the quacks, have no idea how to keep our Country safe and together. With the will of God I pray everyday President Trump will make it back to The White House. I wake up and think, “what have these idiots done today.” I never worried when Trump was in office. He was faithful to his words. Thank you for speaking up!
        God Bless You, Mike Herbert

    • Today on TV, Biden said that people in the storm zone are very happy. What has he been smoking? He has hardly been see in 40 days and comes out with that unbelievable nonsence statement.

      • He should shut his filthy mouth. I have family in the worst part of NC and have not heard from them. How can these horrid democrats thinks everyone is OK, they don’t deal with it, they haven’t lost 1 damn thing. They all need to crawl back under the earth where they came from. They, the dems are happy because How in the hell are all these people going to vote. That’s the game plan for these monsters, all of them. They don’t want anyone to get to vote. They are not even humans.

        • Joyce, my sentiments exactly! I have been so worried about all the people hurting because of the hurricane. Then on top of it all you get the sorry administration we have with their stupid remarks and no action to offer any kind of help until almost a week later. When people can get to voting, we need to vote against ALL DEMON crats and NEVER vote them in office again❗️Reguardless of what anybody thinks, DEMON CRATS are Communistic. And THEY harp about democracy, HA‼️ HYPOCRITES,the whole lot of them. THIS HAS SHOWN WHO AND WHAT THEY REALLY ARE. ANTI AMERICA AND ANTI AMERICANS❗️

    • Al, Cuban doesn’t care, he is one of those low life’s, himself. He is just another shallow minded being just like the rest that can really believe their garbage. Swallowed hook, line and sinker! I wonder how hard they are laughing behind his back. Yeah they are going to treat him like a king. Ha!

  2. Mark must be drinking the Kamala Kool-Aid. I used to think highly of him but since he has taken leave of his senses I have changed my mind.

  3. He’s just another one of the Billionaire elite generation who’s creed is “All for me and none for you”. Musk is a genuine human being and a Billionaire who cares about the earth and its inhabitants.

    • It is not about Cuban or Musk. Here is why a human being cannot be fully trusted. Because humans are fallible. Of course Former President Trump keeps promises; but this is not even the issue. The issue is more information will be revealed and this will led Trump to change his mind on Musk.

    • That’s the game for Democrats, All for me and none for thee. Hollywood, and all these so called Elites, well they think they are but when it’s all said and done there is nothing to them, they are all superficial and they honestly believe because they have money, they are better than most. TRUTH IS THEY ARE ALL SCREWED UP AND LIKE VP HARRIS, SHE IS SO INSECURE OF HERSELF AND THATS WHY SHE LAUGHS AT EVERYTHING IS BECAUSE SHE NEVER HAS THE ANSWER .SHE CANT EVEN BE A VP LET ALONE PRESIDENT. NEVER KNEW SO MANY DISHONEST AND CRAZZIES INTIL I GOT MORE INTO KNOWING MORE ABOUT POLITIC. WHERE ALL THE FILTH AND HATE, AND CORRUPT IS.

  4. We have seen Trump keep his word when he was President. Cuban is an idiot. He wanted to buy X but he doesnt have the money and Elon Wouldnt sell to a antiAmerican loser like Cuban. Cuban is just trying to get press as he wants to compete with Musk but doesnt have the morals, brains, or money to do so. Cuban is a loser

  5. Yes, Cuban hit on the head. Trump is for the people, not the billionaires. Cuban, like most billionaires expect a President to deliver big favors to them. Trump doesn’t play their game. He does what is right for middle class people and the nation.

  6. Cuban, you’re totally wrong. We had a very strong economy when Trump was President. Remember, gas was $1.99/gal. We were exporting oil & inflation was very low. When Biden took over, our gas went $6.00. To you Mark, $6 is nothing but to us, that’s huge to our families. Do you understand how life is, not being a millionaire? Wake up, Mark Cuban…

  7. Cuban is a self righteous asshole. Have never seen anyone he has helped. All he does is criticize. He doesn’t open up his wallet but condemns those who do. Musk is a patriot while Cuban should go to Cuba.

  8. Cuban is just another spoiled rich di.khead.
    Trump will be re-elected, save democracy and prove that Cuban is full of 💩

  9. I have seen Cuban on Shark Tank and he is a pain in the ass on there so he just is jealous of Elon and Elons brains and money

  10. So Cuban gives Kamala economic advice. His advice helped get the country to where we are today.
    God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

  11. I think I was better off when Trump was president and I am from a middle-income family.
    The years Trump was President I paid less in taxes. What fools are those who did not appreciate him as President? I think Musk is a brilliant man and I think he will also help this country. We need to think of the American First. and if any President should be impeach is Biden for letting all these ilegal alliens in this countr.

  12. All you Trumpers are out of your minds!!! Have you forgotten that Trump tried to overthrow the government and had his low-life fans attack OUR Capital? People died and several policemen were injured! Donald Trump does not give a damn about any of you fans. His only concern is for himself and his own interests! Have you forgotten about his indictments? Have you forgotten he was found guilty on all 34 counts?? If any of you were caught doing what Trump has done, they would throw the book at you. Trump is only interested in becoming President so he can keep from being sent to prison and believe me, he is terrified. But truly that is where he belongs. A person of his character should not ever step foot in the White House again. He is a criminal, a rapist, a bully, and a pathological liar to the nth degree! As far as Mark Cuban goes, he had the intelligence to see through the ways of Donald Trump anS has him pegged for exactly who he is; a rich low life who would sell his mother down the river for a nickle! Mark Cuban, I applaud you and always have!

    • Your comments make it very plain that if someone was to beat the “stupid” out of you there wouldn’t be any thing left to see or hear.

    • Charlene,
      I’m not going to go over every lie you took the time to type. The lawfare behind all Trumps’ troubles comes straight from the top, the people like you with TDS (TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME). He’s the best President we’ve had in a generation or two. All the things he’s been charged with seem to fall apart because they’re fake. Nobody has ever done so much crime in a handful of years. He doesn’t need to do this. He loves the people and America.

    • Sharlene – you sound like the angry 85-year old lady that interrupted my conversation with a fellow Trump supporter. After I replied with a few good talking points in support of DJT, she told me that she did not want to talk to me anymore. God forbid that Kamela gets elected with the 500,000 convicts she let in along with the 30,000 convicted killers and rapists. Maybe you can help find the 325,000 missing children that Kamela and her crew lost over the last three years? I’ve got at least a dozen more talking points but I’m afraid that it would be useless to mention them because like the lady I was talking to, your TDS is just too hard to overcome. My advice to you is to stop listening to the mainstream media because the Democrats conttrol all of it. Listen to convervative media outlets – Dan Bongino, Mark Levin, Mike Gallagher. P.S. The only one that died on Jan 6 was a Trump supporter. Read Julie Kelly’s book on Jan 6 to get the facts – it’s real journalism.

    • You are an idiot. Only one woman was shot to my knowledge on Jan 6. Did you fact check anything, I doubt it. All the Trump indicements fell by the wayside, because they was BS and you know it. Democrats never admit to anything and they run like hell if you question anything and that’s because they don’t have an answer. Harris is a great example of that, because all she has is word salads. She must stay awake at night to figure out what word salad she is going to say. She hates the American people, get a clue, because you don’t have one. If she becomes Prez., you can kiss you behind goodbye. Biden and Harris has already did great harm to the U.S. and Obama started it. He also hates America and he is a total zero.

    • All you democrats POS, It is all of you spreading all the hate, misinformation. The media, politicians that’s your jobs, you seem to think. There’s enough hate in this world but you just have to keep spewing out more and more more. How many of you ingrates are really happy? If I had to guess I would say not many, you want people to be like you. You think because you have money that your happy. Totally not true. I have found more happiness with less that I have. Maybe some of you that are wealthy might try giving some to charity, it might make you feel better about yourselves, probably not but worth a try.

  13. Mark Cuban is full of himself…… he was successful in business … and became wealthy .. GOOD FOR YOU MARK! Just doesn’t make you a fount of knowledge about someone else.. you are good at telling others what they should do … but you ARE NOT THE BE ALL OR END ALL !

  14. Cuban is the greedy, communist piece of vshit. He is evil. He is part of the establishment and he is scared of Trump just like all the others. People need to stop investing with him. They are selling their souls. They should go to O’Leary instead who understands what is going on.

  15. Cuban is jealous of Musk, Cuban is full of himself. He needs his head examined for supporting Kamala. Stupid is as stupid does.

    • Cuban creates profits, but Musk creates whole new worlds of science, and also makes a profit. Musk creates, Cuban feeds.

  16. Support is because it’s the right thing to do for the country, not what favor you might want or need. If Mark wants a quid pro quo support, the democrats are the party for you. But remember, democrat support is conditional on whatever they may want you to do. Cross them and you’re toast.

    • I call democrats The Party of Satan. They hate God, our Constitution and any American CITIZEN that doesn’t bow to their traitorous policies. Vote Trump 2024.

  17. Cuban is a self serving POS woke fool. He like all his woke dim comrades have no clue about what is good for the US, one thing is certain those idiots are NOT!

    • Agreed! I quit watching that show he’s on because he’s an arrogant smart alek. Poor IU — shows what $ do to some. Truly a nouveau riche

  18. Gotta laugh. Mark Cuban just verified his math skills are definintely lacking. Old Joe and Kammie can’t manage a dime let alone the nation’s checkbook with nearly four years of utter proof of that fact. So Mark. while most of this nation that does earn a living and pays bills knows Trump is a very efficient billionaire and people manager as well, you need to go back to the woodshed for a lesson.

    I volunteer the other efficient billionaire you are arguing with. I would bet all smart people tire of you and your BS real fast, kind of like Ocasia the MORON too. And thankfully we rarely are bored by you except when you really stand out as the dummy you are quite publically.

    Future notice for me will be to ignore anything that connects your name to anything I watch, read, listen to.

    My advice to you is, SHUT THE F##k UP DUMBO!

  19. How can anyone in their right mind, be so naive/stupid to Kamala Harris! She can’t even talk, without getting tongue tied! Can’t answer a simple question, laughs it off, with her cackling like a chicken! Can you imagine, a woman who has menopause issues, with her fingers on the panic button, in a war situation! She’s a joke! She can’t find her way out of a paper bag!

  20. I am interested in knowing how many million MARK has donated towards the people who lost everything because of the hurricane. Look what Elon has contributed to these poor people and the help Trump has sent. Just goes to show you who really cares. Mark, what have you done to help these poor people out.

  21. Ask Mark Cuban why does he Always say to the people he wants to invest with ” You can get it made Cheaper In China “. Glad to here one contestant tells him ” I rather make it here in the USA “! Then no Comment from Cuban!!!

  22. I would not listen to anything Mark Cuban has to say! Anyone who stands up at a Basketball game and screams at the Judges because he does not like the call and has to pay thousands of dollars every time he does, is too stupid to attempt to give anyone, especially Elon Musk, any advice! Donald Trump is very intelligent and loves this country and wants to see it thrive and not be sold out, like is being done now! He is our only hope and when he hires Elon to keep things under control, our country will be back in good shape.

  23. All you democrats POS, It is all of you spreading all the hate, misinformation. The media, politicians that’s your jobs, you seem to think. There’s enough hate in this world but you just have to keep spewing out more and more more. How many of you ingrates are really happy? If I had to guess I would say not many, you want people to be like you. You think because you have money that your happy. Totally not true. I have found more happiness with less that I have. Maybe some of you that are wealthy might try giving some to charity, it might make you feel better about yourselves, probably not but worth a try.

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