Mark Cuban accidentally exposed one unforgivable lie spewed by Kamala Harris that has her base fuming

Nobody is publicly fawning over Kamala Harris quite like woke billionaire Mark Cuban.  But he just exposed a fact about her candidacy that has her campaign scrambling. Mark Cuban accidentally exposed one unforgivable lie spewed [...]


  1. The Secret Service needs to be completely overhauled. There job is to protect the people they have been assigned to, regardless of their political party. They work for the United States Government. Not JUST the Democrat Party nor The Republican Party. Everyone of the personnel involved in the July 19 assassination attempt should be demoted or fired.

    • The lie is , Harris telling the licit she is not going to tax un realized gains. Cuban is a fool for supporting her. You do t need alternative tax plan ms for additional revenues, stop spending our tax dollars on Wars, free hand outs etc…. We

      • Kevin is absolutely on point. Federal revenue can increase by billions if we just stopped spending on wars and useless social subsidy and welfare programs that are totally destroying the mindset of millions of Americans.

        • You are right. The government has made it impossible to detain inflation with all the money they are throwing away. Just increase our taxes so they keep on spending and give themselves raises while we rot. Keep on voting for the rich elite liberals.

      • Dont you just love how people like Cuban tell the working class what they should be thinking when this guy doesnt get affected by whats going on with our economy what so ever?He lacks brain cells because of who he thinks he is!

  2. Unrealized gains could disappear. Will IRS return the taxes paid if they do? I was just looking at a list of dozens of major companies that filed for Bankruptcy this year. People who held the stock may have seen a share go from $43 to 0 in one year. B4 Biden, it had unrealized gains each year for years!

  3. Komrad Kamala Has lied to everyone about everything she plans to implement. She lied about Fracking {watch out Pennsylvania}, Shes lied about the New Green Deal {watch OUT AMERICA.} After she and Butt Hole Biden spent all of the countrys’ money {over 3 trillion dollars on crap and bullshit) she’s now giving illegals $4000 each for shits and giggles. (And we’re expected to pay for it.} I’m getting the hell out of this country ASAP

  4. Looking at who and what they are in supporting their own demise under Communist regime is both sad and funny.The rich will always survive and the peons will have to suffer.It actually amazes me how stupid Democrat voters are who fawn over a Communist

    • Yeah! Anyone who votes democrat is either COMPLETELY STUPID; or suffering from some form of mental/cognitive disorder!!!

  5. This could really get interesting when you think about all the retirement accounts that will be taxed yearly due to gains, and will they be allowed to calculate the losses too? If not, no one should put any money into institutional retirement accounts because they will never accumulate money for retirement. Maybe people in institutional retirement accounts should push to have their money removed now.

  6. Ask Mark Cuban if he would step down from his company and let his beloved ingenious Kamala take over the reigns. Mic drop…

  7. When journalist allow only the Demo Party to lie freely without questions we have people ignoring the truth. Harris hate Israel an d fracking all her live and suddenly a miracle of love for Israel and the country with fracking. Please give me a brake.

    • But the people who are just like them will vote for them and thats the scary part no common sense at all just look around you and see the difference compared to what it was like under other administrations they have all had faults but nothing like we are in at this point because of the current administration if shes going to do so much why didnt she for the last three and a half years??

  8. We should tax $1000 every for every lie a politician tells. That would delete the deficit before Kamala’s campaign is over.

  9. A large percentage of money in 401k’S hasn’t had any income tax paid just think if they taxed 401k’S how much money the government would get to spend on illegals and the green new deal. Trump and JD Vance are telling the truth and have been right along. Communist Komrad Kamala Lies all the time. She will tax us out of our homes and stocks!! We have no Idea how bad she will destroy our way of life and this country. Wake up Democrat voters before its to late please vote Trump Vance.

    • You are so right. Lies, liwa, liwa, is all Kamaala knows. Plus, she doesn’t have a clue on how to run a business, because all she has ever done is draw a government paycheck of some kind. I guess people will vote for her because she is black and a women. Oh wait, does the Democrats know what a “women” is????? Doubtful. You vote for the person that can keep the U.S. going without high prices, wars and division. She doesn’t qualify.

  10. If you bought a house in the 80’s for 90,000. and is now worth 500,000, there is a gain of 410,000. Will this be taxed year by year? If it does, the American Dream will fade immediately. Non payment of taxes will certainly bring a governmental foreclosure and forfeiture.

    • This makes it plain. No truth to any benefit to ‘capitol gains’. People will lose their homes and the shirt off their backs. It’s all another way for Kamala to get away with the lies she tells the American people. The trouble is she does it so well, no one sees the deception through those pearly white teeth. It’s all part of her strategy to ‘sucker the middle-class’. She is a master deceiver.

  11. I knew this had to be a lie from Kamala Harris about taxing unrealized gains for the rich as this would kill the stockmarket completely for the rich and the not so rich.

  12. If you like living just barely over the toilet water line keep voting for the Democraps YES you read that right

  13. Democrats are so stupid trying to convince people that taxing unrealized gains is a good thing. They don’t seem to realized that the market goes up and the market goes down. What if you have an unrealized gain one year and you pay the tax, and you have an unrealized loss the next year? Will the government give your money back? They can’t. They would have already spent it on some new green deal crap.

    • Thats a very good comparison to also paying for student loans what about the folks who already paid their debt are they going to be refunded heck no!!!!Just like now theres talk of giving the illegals Social Security hows that possible when they say it will already be broke by 2050 and these people havnt been here a lifetime and worked to put into it???There needs to be a whole lot of fixing to be done and the Dems dont know how all they do is spend!

  14. Their idiotic idea of taxing unrealized gains is like taxing a newborn,if the dems didn’t kill/abort the baby, for all the money the child MIGHT make in its lifetime. HOW STUPID CAN THEY BE??

  15. Thats a very good comparison to also paying for student loans what about the folks who already paid their debt are they going to be refunded heck no!!!!Just like now theres talk of giving the illegals Social Security hows that possible when they say it will already be broke by 2050 and these people havnt been here a lifetime and worked to put into it???There needs to be a whole lot of fixing to be done and the Dems dont know how all they do is spend!

  16. Taxing unrealized gains is wrong. I am so tired of hearing Democrats accepting it because it doesn’t effect them personally. Selfish behavior.

  17. Taxing unrealized gains is wrong. I am so mad at Democrats for accepting it because it doesn’t effect them. Selfish behavior.

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