Marjorie Taylor Greene just unloaded two words that completely shut down one woke British reporter

Marjorie Taylor Greene is one of the most outspoken Members of Congress. Her willingness to fight has made her one of the top targets of both Democrat politicians and their media allies. And now Marjorie [...]


  1. That’s what I like. People telling it like it is. Whether you like MTG or not. She never holds back. I’d hate to get on her bad side!

  2. Stay in England you communist idiot, I am SO SO tired of people who want to jam these WOKE policies down Americans throats

  3. MTG gets it exactly right. There is a huge difference between a journalist who reports the news and the activist with a microphone who stirs up trouble and then tries to peddle it as news.
    I am proud of MTG for shutting this activist down and refusing to talk to her any more.

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