Lauren Boebert turned the UFO Committee hearing upside down with this string of conspiracy-laced questions

Most Congressional Committee hearings are just plain boring. But every now and then a hearing that fills the room with excitement and passion takes place on Capitol Hill. And Lauren Boebert turned the UFO Committee [...]


  1. We are not alone and never have been! It would be naive to think that we are it! Billions of earth like planets in the universe!

  2. If there ARE aliens visiting Earth, and frequently it seems crashing into it, WHY don’t they land openly and say Hello?

    Instead this goes on and on like a 1950s Sci-Fi movie.

    • An appointment to any committee pumps up their congressional retirement package. If they dont come up with any info with proof then do away with the committee and save the taxpayrs money. Thats what Washington is about. The retirement packages these lifetime politicians receive is outrageous, guess we will see what Elon comes up with and what he gets rid of…..should be lots and lots of savings for the taxpayers.

  3. I believe the worldwide disappearance of people could be related to ufo abductions. Could the public handle the truth? Probably not at our present stage of development.

  4. The Universe is very vast. Over 60 yrs ago, Astronomers,and Scientist discovered, with the technology that was available, that there were over 20 billion galaxies. Fast forward to 10 yrs ago with improved technology that there was over 250 billion galaxies. Then we come to the most recent James Webb Space Telescope which has discover over 500 billion galaxies.That is Heaven. We are not alone. You can relate why we are on this planet by relating it to the Bible. Starting with Revelation 12:7–10. After the fall of Satan, and the fallen angels(which was ⅓ of the Angelic beings)they were cast out of Heaven, and into the earth. GOD then created man.This planet we are on is a testing ground for mankind. What we do on this planet in the flesh will determine where our soul will spend eternity.

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