Lauren Boebert dropped the hammer on Tim Walz for this cowardly decision

Tim Walz has become a big problem for Kamala Harris. He can’t help but create major headaches for the campaign.  And Lauren Boebert dropped the hammer on Tim Walz for this cowardly decision.  Tim Walz [...]


    • – Tampon Timmie Walz has promoted a life story of gaslight lies that have all now been proven to be TOTAL LIES!:
      1. Tampon says keep Govt out of people’s lives? “mind their own business”? Nope, Tampon created a Govt Snitch Line for neighbors to snitch to his Govt about neighbors!
      2. Coach Tampon? Nope, he was the unpaid Coach’s assistant, carried the water bottles
      3. Protect children? Nope, Tampon takes kids away from parents who try to prevent secret surgical mutilation of them!
      4. Tampon was “in war”? Nope, he went AWOL!
      5. Tampon retired a Command Sergeant Major? Nope, “Command” rank stripped from him for cowardice!
      6. Tampon’s common sense? Nope, ordered tampons into 4th grade boys’ restrooms!
      7. Tampon’s Kids Lunch Program? Turned into a GIANT $250Million EMBEZZLEMENT SCANDAL with 70 people indicted! Tampon has to respond to subpoena by 9/18/2024…
      8. Tampon for Law and Order? Nope, allowed BLM to burn Minnesota’s cities down! Refused help from Pres. Trump…
      9. Tampon only loves and is loyal to USA? Nope, 12 Red Books Communist Tampon made 30+ trips to Communist China paid for by China!
      10. Tampon/wife had kids by IVF? Nope, used a different procedure!
      11. Tampon didn’t have a DUI? Wrong, state police say he drove 96 MPH and blew well over the limit!
      12. Tampon was Nebraska Young Man of the Year? Nope, Chamber of Commerce wrote ‘stop telling that LIE’!
      13. and many more… (look up any you don’t believe!)
      (feel free to copy/paste the above anywhere)

      • Flat out worse role model of a man in American history. And Kamala only chose him because he will bow/bend to every order, gender bending agenda, bowing to the enemy ever so ceremoniously. He does not have any backbone in defending against any enemy – especially domestic. He just holds the door open for them, for crying out loud! Does he really encourage/allow his own daughters to ‘use the restroom’ of their choice? Or his granddaughters? I have to wonder if he himself has not ‘transgendered’in any way.

  1. I would PAY to see her go on Jesse’s show. He won’t let her get away with not answering questions like that reporter from CNN did. He won’t feed her the safe little glad questions either. Yes, PLEASE Kamala go on his show.

  2. Walz should have been given a dishonorable discharge from the Coast Guard or whatever he was supposed to be in service to. That is one of the phoneist people I have ever seen in a national spotlight. If he and Kamala get to be in charge of the highest office in the US or the world for that matter, the United States is done. The Devil can stick his fork in us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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