Laura Ingraham was stunned at this bad sign for Democrats heading toward Election Day

The Presidential election is in the final sprint toward Election Day.  Americans are trying to figure out which way the race is leaning.  And Laura Ingraham was stunned at this bad sign for Democrats heading [...]


  1. Forget all of the misinformation and misdirection that Harris and the Dems are trying to spout. The facts are- this election is not about race, gender, or ethnicity- it’s about the proven failed policies of Biden/Harris vs. the proven successes of the Trump administration! We rarely gat a chance at a side by side comparison, but the choice cannot be clearer!!

  2. Having watch her “rise” (?) in California political circles, please accept what I am telling you: This woman is a total fake, and woefully underprepared to take ANY FURTHER OFFICE. A typical democrat,she has NO PLAN to fix our country, and would be “Biden 2.0” if she were to take The White House … there will three types of voting approaches: MAGA & Trump; Kammie; Anti-Trump — if YOU are in the third group — wake up and get over yourself … Just remember where you were 2017-2020 !

  3. After seeing what biden and Harris have done to america. It is hard to being anyone would vote for hsarris and Elmer fudd.

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