Laura Ingraham just posed one question about Kamala Harris’ future that caught everyone by surprise

Kamala Harris is hoping to become the first female President of the United States of America. She would also become the most radical, woke extremist President in American history. But Laura Ingraham just posed one [...]


  1. HKave the citizens of the USA realiozed that this is not a popularity contest. WEe are talking about the leadcer of the free world, not a ninny who giggles while she picks her lettuce.

    • Her constant laughing and posing are ploys of a person who should not be trusted ever to reveal her true self. I could never vote for a person with these traits. I have zero trust or like this kind of person. You would think a major political party would put up a more proven good choice for President of my beloved country of which I would die for, but certainly not her.

  2. I thought she was snarky, rude and phony, She didn’t and probably couldn’t answer
    questions and lied when she did. We are not voting for Miss Congeniality in a beauty
    pageant – we want someone serious and able to do the job of President. She is not qualified.

  3. I think any common sense hard working woman who really came up the hard way and graduated from the school of hard knocks could out speak and out do Kamala. I have met a few who are mature hard working women who could really debate her out of the room!

  4. Harris is a HE fraudster. She is a Brit citizen. She or he is not a citizen in the US. The libs are doing the same with Aboma.
    Laura a lawyer needs to do better investigations who is running for President here. Now getting all facts does nothing in a Federal election. Same goes for the Media. This election has to be about the fraud persons the libs use none citizen to be in our Government.

  5. Former President Trump was on the defensive from a rude lady opponent. One could tell that he was surprised at her decorum and well as her statements. Unfortunately, President Trump became angry…and it showed. He was unprepared with his responses. He simply was not prepared.

    • Are you kidding me..!!? President Trump has every right to get ANGRY about all this..!!!! He should be more angry..!!

      • Yes afgree .I hope that the next President willbe Donald J.Trump
        Kamala is stupid and EVIL creature as well as the pedofil Walz

      • i agree trump should get anger and more anger with this stupid women cant even say what she would do as president nothing but a laughing hyhenia. her brain is were the sunshines. she thinks she is great not in most people she speaks and lahgs like a teenager.she is a real loser. she could never go against just to speak tp putin and a chinese leader. they would laugh in her face. she could never run our for trump he is a great leader and did so much forus americans when he was president and dam he will do it again. vote this laughing hyhenia out for good we need trump more than ever. these leaders in our country are laughing at us listening to her ideas and her laugh and herideas as a president vote this hihenia out for good we need trump more than ever vote for president donald j trump and vance there our true leaders.trump in 2024

  6. Kamala has no idea what a real person is. Her Husband is a cheater. She is a cheater and recently. Look how fake Media has gone after Trump. But let Kamala slide. Is that the goal of the fake Media, to let the country slide. I am embarrassed to admit that I am from the USA. The standards are just being left by the side of the road.

  7. You posed a question regarding who won the debate!!!! Of course President Trump won the debate because he was the only one in that room with a brain. Wake up America and lets keep our freedoms before they are taken away from us entirely.

  8. I thought Trump seemed tired – his schedule no doubt. Kamala did not answer the questions put to her. Rather, she shifted into prepared diatribe written by others. She did not address any of the severe problems nor present proposed solutions to any.

  9. Just goes to show you if somebody is a democrap they will vote democrap even if they come out and burn your house down says:

    Yes he got angry Kamala lied and so did ABC three against one anybody would have gotten Mad. Good thing Trump was their I would have walk over to that desk and slapped both for lying

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