Kevin O’Leary made one brutal prediction that left Joe Biden scared to death

Joe Biden left the White House in disgrace.  His four years won’t be remembered fondly by the public.  And Kevin O’Leary made one brutal prediction that left Joe Biden scared to death.  Americans will never [...]


  1. Biden is not one of the worst; he is the worst president now and forever. It is not possible to be worse.

  2. It’s not only the Biden’s it’s Harris and all the democrats that destroyed our country.
    They are finished as a party leader for ever.
    They all conspired and hid behind Biden’s being brain dead and they ran the country into the ground
    Corruption at its finest.
    Nobody will ever trust democrats again for what they did to this country.

  3. What is worse than Biden? The democrats who put him the basement ,gave him ice cream and pudding. Biden did nothing but sit there waving a flag. The democrats rigged the election with voting machines by Soros and Pelosi, threw Republicans out of the counting ballot and lock the doors. Putting cardboard on windows so no one could see all the corruption going in the building counting ballots. The cars and vans coming in the middle of night with thousands of ballots for Biden. Then at three o’clock in morning President Trump was winning by six am Biden won. They installed a man out to lunch and let Jill and Obama and the staff run America into the ground. They put orders out there hurting children, arresting grandmother for praying, getting money from the enemies. So much more. Still idiots are still call President Trump a criminal because of the lies the democrats, news outlets, Biden himself calling President Trump a Nazi. Democrats are evil. Every democrat and Rinos need purge from the government. You can never trust democrats and Rinos again. Biden pardoning people who were known corrupt losers his legacy is 0! A footnote saying the most unamerican corrupt person ever to be in the Oval Office.

  4. Actually, its whoever was acting president, who is the worst. IMO, Joe Biden did very little, he got dressed, somehow, and ignored the adoring media, so back to square one, Who was our president for the last four years?? The wife and the media need to answer some questions!

  5. If they don’t say that Biden was the WORST president ever then someone is lying about history. There is no way to tell it any differently than he was a terrible congressman and a horrible president. He destroyed any credibility that he may ever had. He will be remembered as a liar and someone who used his power to make money for his family and himself. He hated the country and did what he could to destroy it.

  6. What 40% of assholes think Biden did a good job as president they must be as brain dead as Biden.
    Biden Harris and democrats destroyed this country democrats were the ones leading old Joe around like a blind donkey
    Harris is plain old stupid can’t think on her own the only way she became VP is because Biden wanted a Token a black woman didn’t mater she’s as dumb as a bag of rocks she’s a disgrace to the black community there are so many brilliant black women that forgot more than dumbass Harris ever knew. But Biden picked her because he didn’t want someone smarter than him. That’s why this country went to sh-t in 4 years. democrats don’t care about the American people the taxpayers all they care about is power and they destroyed everything.

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