Kellyanne Conway felt ashamed to look at Donald Trump after how her husband described him to Jen Psaki

Democrats’ vicious attacks and smears have already led to two assassination attempts on Donald Trump. But Democrats and their media allies are refusing to tone down their rhetoric. And Kellyanne Conway felt ashamed to look [...]


  1. At my old age I just can’t believe that we have that many stupid, baby killing, lying democrates in this country. But when I think about how sorry the colleges have been in teaching nothing, but communists to these young people, then I realize it is true, because the professors in these colleges don’t know anything else. WE HAVE A REAL SICK COUNTRY

  2. I don’t think the Democrats know how to tell the truth ever, look at Hunters mess and now they are going to publish any of it. But me and my family is voting for Trump and vance.

  3. Conway is totally disgusting and I feel sorry for Kelly living with him. She could have done so much better. Smart lady married to a dumb man.

      • Conway sounds very much like a jealous husband (lover if they were not married)…And now that their marriage has been dissolved, his hatred towards Trump is so incensed, the attitude of a jealous husband while Kellyanne maintains her loyalty to her job and to Trump’s agenda and vision for America and the American people…I can see the dots of Conway’s jealousy…I am 85 and a ret. U.S. Vet and born and raised in the boondocks of Ilocos Sur, Philippines and PRC LICENSED CRIMINOOGIST.

  4. I read that you are divorced now, Kelly, I hope for your sake, you are. I feel sorry for your family. God be with you.

  5. Why is Kelly still married to “that”??? She is a smart lady, and always stood
    up for the right…I also see where Fox News hurt her…Hang in there Kelly your
    doing the right thing…
    My opinion,,( Bret Braier (sp) ) had some what I call unkind words for Trump.
    I don’t think he cares for Trump and now trying to help Harris…..
    I have lost a lot of interest in Fox News…Your right, I don’t watch but a few.
    We are living in the book of Revelations due to the Democrats. Wake up America
    “”””” MY OPINION!!!””””””

    • KellyAnn has no control on how George acts & speaks so badly about Trump! George is just making himself look bad. What people like George don’t understand, they feel they must discredit in a horrible way. Also of the many Democratic voters I’ve encountered on different platforms,so many have actually said they’re communist. We definitely need Trump, come November to win Presidency!

      • the way it sounded is like she was still married to him. If they are truly divorced, he is the one making himself look like the fool he is. Like Charlotte says, we are living in the book of Revelation. Anyone who is a true and good Christian have been seeing that everyday. The day Democrats act, which is totally narsasistic. It is all about them, they do wrong and believe they are doing right, because they tell themselves that. It is all about power. We are living in a time when God will not destroy us, our own people will destroy our country. Look at the things they are pushing on our children, over-powering the parents. etc..think about it?

  6. George Conway asked if there was a place for him in Trump’s administration. He was told no, and instantly became a Never Trumper. He’s still nursing that anger. I’m glad Kellyanne divorced him.

  7. The Rep RINOs are all just covering their own backsides looking forward to their Far Left Party Bosses tasking control of America.

    NONE of them care a whit about We the Little People. If Conway MARRIED that sell-out, then just where do her true feelings lie? Couldn’t she tell what he actually was before the I Dos?

  8. what ever they said about Trump its all lies..democrats wanted to make him look bad because they wanted to continue ruling this country..Democrats turned America the worst..and If Kamala wins this election this country will turned into a 3rd world country..other countries its not going to respect her..I am for Trump

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