Kathy Griffin will soon regret picking a vile fight with the wrong woman

Kathy Griffin is a D-list celebrity who clings to her last vestiges of fame by attacking anyone who doesn’t pledge total allegiance to Democrats. She’s infamously even called for the head of Donald Trump who [...]


  1. Kathy if you thought picking a fight with Trump was tuff you really should think very hard about picking a fight with this lovely lady. Personally I wouldn’t mind if she knocked your head off literally. You are a total waste of space.

  2. If Kathy Griffin still has even an ounce of human decency left in her body. She would
    make a sincere apology to both Gina Carano and Donald Trump. I won’t hold my breadth!

  3. It is discussing to see the the view and the people like Kathy Gifford and Wooppie Goldberg are calling for the murder of Donald Trump to the point of acting it out .

    • Agree, if a Republican said or did anything remotely to one of the democratic party they would be attacked by the media and be in jail. First of all, Kathy Gillfird and Woopie Goldberg need to be held accountable. However, I pray for all evil doers which they are and have proven to be with all the evil and hate speech they spur and spread. I think the View should have been canceled a long time ago, and Kathy Gilford should be in jail for the post of holding up The former President of the USA head, That is a death threat to our former and possibly our future 47th President of our country.

      • I totally agree Gilford could hald a candle to a truckstop cooker. Same goes for the rest of the hog pen called the view.

  4. Griffin fights for relevancy and, again, fails miserably.

    You destroyed yourself, Kathy, with that abhorrent foolishly conceived gag with Trump’s supposed severed head. Nobody helped you, you did it on your own expecting to gain Big Money and Fame from it.

    You gained neither. You failed. Accept it. Pick up the pieces and move on.

    Try sincerely APOLOGIZING for that. It’s a start anyway.

  5. Remember folks Everything you write in these comments is gathered for the Purpose of putting you in jail Anyone who is against this Nazi regime is flagged.
    Compliment if this so called conservative site.
    Be careful

  6. Ever wonder what what people like Griffin would do if somebody like Carano showed up at her (Griffin’s) front door and confronted her? I do and, I know exactly what would happen. They would slam the door, call the cops ((who she hates, and the claim she was being harassed for no reason. Like most bullies- they cower when confronted.

  7. Real comedians don’t have to pick fights or attack innocent people or politicians who have proven themselves in office. They’re funny without resorting to being dirty or nasty. I’ve never watched Kathy Griffin and wouldn’t want to, from what I’ve seen of what she does. She really doesn’t sound very bright.

  8. How ironic would it be if one of the knife wielding illegal immigrants cut Griffin’s head off and post the video on the internet. I would still be laughing.

  9. Kathy I used to think that you were talented and funny! Now I feel that you are stupid and a total loser! The only talent you now actually have is making a fool out of yourself!

  10. I would love to see a fight between them. Carano would tear Griffin apart. Then maybe Griffin would keep her mouth shut and let us live our lives in peace. She’s a has been who is like Hillary and hasn’t figured out how much people don’t like them and don’t want to hear from them ever again!!!!!!

  11. Kathy Griffin and all the “ Ladies” on the view should have their tongues cut out !. They are a stupid bunch of idiots. And I thought Wooppie was the worst one but after seeing Griffin holding what is supposed to be Trumps cut off head she takes the lead. She should be jailed shit like that causes idiots to want to kill Trump which has been proven. There are so many idiots like Griffin who will vote wrong and kill out what’s lifted of our country.

  12. Kathy Griffin an old has been. Never amounted to anything in her career.
    Why would anyone give her any ink!
    Let her crawl back into her hole!

  13. Bitch please!! Stupid f**king people like you are the big problem in this once great country of ours , slither back up whatever hole you came out of and DIE there! you are a vile and disgusting human being along with that corrupt RAT party you support! TRUMP2024!!!!

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