Karine Jean-Pierre just hit Kamala Harris with the worst news possible thanks to Peter Doocy

The worst thing for Democrats, at this point, is for Kamala to be lumped together again with Joe Biden.  And it looks like the worst-case scenario for Democrats may actually be playing out before our [...]


  1. Kamala will make the worst president in history and Obama needs to stay out. He is no longer president but seems to be running the show. And I am a democrat.

    • Obama and his wife have always it seems been sticking their nose all along. They were behind everything that has been going on, even though some still do not realize it.

      • That would be Obama and his husband. And I agree 100% — they were the beginning of this great divide we are experiencing now. And the very sight of either one of them makes me want to puke!

        • Agree with you. Thumbs up. With the intro of the Obama’s the dem’s make me sick as well. They are not for America. Not for the Constitution. They are for themselves. How much power can they accumulate? That is the bottom line. They are disgusting power hungry Democrats.

      • Obama and his hand-pick crew have run this country for four years. BIDEN WAS JUST A PUPPET, WITH OBAMA PULLING THE STRINGS. This guy thinks this country can not operate without his influence.

  2. Kamala is going to lose in a landslide as soon as she debates Trump. She cant get away with her lies and her prior action until November 5

  3. Kamala is a liar she flip flopped on everything and unfortunately there are still a lot of ppl who are blinded by the dems tactics. They just never learn. Hopefully by the grace of God he will intervene and make sure she is not the president for the next 4 years.

    • No stone will be turned, no trick will not be tried; niether she nor Tampon Tim can lie/deceive effective enough to sway the whole country. No one has been such a disaster for this country as Kamala. And she will destroy everything America has stood for.

  4. I guess they don’t want us to see the answer. Taking a tip from Kamala. Don’t do press conferences, don’t do a debate, and by all means, don’t let them know your policies!!

    • Kamala will probably not do a debate without someone else on her side. She is not capable of thinking on her feet and needs notes or a teleprompter to do her thinking for her. Kamala is definately not presidential material. Our country will become a laughing stock. Literally!

  5. I am just following the events] As of now, I do not know for whom I’ll be voting at the next election!

    • It’s the easiest choice ever. you are living in the term of Biden/Harris and what you’ve seen over the past 3 1/2 years is what you will get for the next 4 years if she wins. You saw what Trump accomplished in 4 years including his reaction to Covid – 19 at the onset. What you will get if Trump is elected will be much like the first 3 1/2 years of his first term. Which one was better for you?

      • How can anyone say they are better off with this regime than when Trump was in.Money flowing out to other countries and our own people are suffering just to put food on the table.I mystifys me Democrats can’t see this in their bank accounts,investments and wallet.Who wants 4 more years of upcoming poverty?

  6. democrats are responsible for the destruction of America for china and iran..

    any vote for any democrat is a vote to destroy America for china and iran.

  7. Kampala Harris will be the worst President ever! We may as well get ready for another long
    4 years of misery. Her policies are just awful… Good luck. America’!

  8. There are still an awful lot of fools being duped by the DNC scam machine.
    What will it take for people to realize this giant sham?
    Kamala represents everything wrong with corrupt government.
    She should never be in government in the first place.

  9. Harris gets in OFFICE the U S A is finished you can take old glory down this will not be a Free Country anymore.

  10. This kamahoe bimbo has 2 qualification…. on her back getting willie brown’s willie, the murder of 13 in Afghan, ignoring, walking away, laughing about it. FKH, Wilie brown did!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. We all see what these DemonRats have sowed for our country. If they get to steal another election, we will have reaped what we sowed to allow this BS to fester to our Constitution Rights And Freedoms..

  12. God is in his Heaven, all is right with the World, His “will” will Decide the election. Trump, USA survives, the fool harris USA goes the WAY of Sodom and Gorma and for the same reason.

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