Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker made one announcement about the Presidential election that Democrats will hate

The woke outrage mob tried to silence Harrison Butker after he shared his traditionalist views in a commencement address he delivered at a Catholic university. But all they did was make him speak out even [...]


  1. The Woke clowns do not like anything that normal people like. All they know is to attack any and everything that makes sense to people who do not carry the hatred that they do.

  2. democrats hate Americans as they support hamas and are destroying America for china and iran and russia and all the illegal criminal border insurgents. any vote for any democrat is a vote to destroy America.

  3. Trump wants to take our Freedom away and become a Dictator.We can not let this happen, too many people died defending our Liberty to give it up to a Stupid Loser like Trump.

    • Really…What the heck are you smoking? Open your eyes,son,to the left’s true agenda.If you truly love America, dig deeper into the issues. I was a lifetime democrat that had his eyes opened to what the radical left is aspiring to do.

    • What country are you living in I guess you are already in China or Russia. That is what the far left woke ass holes are doing like Biden and now the so called VP she will keep the Biden policy going and destroy our great USA she is the dictator not Trump wake up get your head out of your ass

    • Stop watching mainstream media if you want to know the truth. They have tried to gaslight Americans with their lies for 10 yrs. We had 4 great yrs under the Trump Admin. Are you better off now than 4 yrs ago is the only question you need to ask yourself. The media and Harris have been saying he wants to be a dictator and Trump made a joke saying he would be a dictator for a day in his first day in office. Was he a dictator 2017 to 2020?

    • Trump is hardly a loser. You write like an illegal alien with severe TDS. The very things you accuse Trump of democRATs are already doing/have done.

  4. I was a democrat until the Clinton administration. No thanks, the Biden-Harris team is the worst in history and Trump is no danger to America or the constitutional republic much less the democracy that does not exist.

  5. I was a democrat until after the Vietnam war and got tired of the Democrats constantly lying to the people and using tricks to rob everyone of their hard earned money. I am a Republican now and have been for several years. At least they fight for the people’s rights. I already have voted for the Republican Party and Donald Trump. He can fix the nation.

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