Kamala Harris’ word salads have this doctor issuing a stern warning that should concern both Republicans and Democrats

Kamala Harris may be the only Democrat who can spew more “word salad” nonsense than a physically and cognitively impaired Joe Biden. Voters are often left scratching their heads as they try to figure out [...]


  1. The frightening possibility that Biden might have served another 4 years was really bad, but even the slightest chance Kamala could be ushered in would mean the end of every accomplishment this country spent sacrificing for would become ancient history and exercises in futility! God help us!

      • Besides word salads, she is a person with the craziest and most inappropriate laughs that we’ve known of.

        • That is known as “pseudo bulbar disorder.” That is a mental disorder that causes people to giggl and laugh when they can’t defend themselves or can’t think of a response or what to say next. There really is such a thing, and it suits Kamahaha to a tee!!

        • Yes I agree, the words she uses, her laughter,after she tell what she is talking about.
          Why does she laughs about what she says. Why?

    • I totally agree! She is a lying, cheating, self centered, nut job! May God hear our prayers! She cannot get elected or America will be lost! Joe almost did us in, but, got too sick to finish! Anyone but her!!!!

      • She was thought to be not too bright when she failed to implement any type of enforcement for stopping the immigration problems. Now she’s running for president. Omg. Our country is in bigger trouble.

  2. I’m sending prayers for Mrs Harris. It’s always every so
    much disgrace for politicians who go through a bunch of crap
    that makes them feel vulnerable

    • She is saying nothing and very savvy about it. Someone who can’t commit to anything without a positive poll. Untrustworthy. Say what you mean and stand by it or get out. Unfortunately She is the new face of politics. Tom Perez (then chair of the DNC) appointed her as the Democratic Presidential candidate for the 2020 elections. Then Tulsi Gabbard exposed her for the political hack she is. So they had to tow old Joe in with Harris as The Vice President. And Perez goes to work at the White house. Biden can no longer serve and Harris is in. All planned.

      • Considering the democrats are always talking about their democracy, all those “we the People” democrats had no say in kamala being their nominee. Isn’t that precious? Yet the sheep continue to follow.

    • I’m sending prayers that she will sit down and stop showing her idiocy!! And she makes herself vulnerable every time she opens her mouth.

  3. Harris is a complete embarrassment, no Matter where she goes. BUT she may be an idiot, the queen of the Peter principle (take that either way!) But she is dreadfully DANGEROUS, such that she makes Biden look like a cream puff.

  4. With Kamala at the controls, we will be in far worse shape. If her own party will not even give her a single vote, she is dead in the water before she starts. Biden deliberately hired her, knowing that she did not have the credentials to run this country and the public would never try to remove him from office for fear of putting her in his place. Now that that idea backfired, we are facing another major obstacle in the democratic party. Unless this country puts logic and common sense before lunacy and elects another lost cause, we will go down in history as another lost civilization.

    • She is not black she is Indian and Jamaican. Obama was not black either. Go look it up. Trump will win in a landslide victory.American people are sick of gas prices food prices electricity prices mortgages and the Border Illegal Immigrants. Not abortion. That is all Democrats run on is abortion every one is Racist and take away law abiding citizens guns. The criminals can keep their guns. Defund the police ETC Etc. Trump 2024!!!!!

  5. She is a long time pot head. She is stoned all the time. I’ve seen this is so many women in the small town I grew up in. I can’t believe people haven’t figured this out yet, including the doctors.

  6. On top of what she says, its how she looks with her mouth always open wide and laughing. She thinks everything she says is witty or funny. People who act like that are curious and scary at the same time. We don’t know how to take her remarks or believe her, or, even understand her point. Her political record is troubling. I don’t think the American people know what they are bargaining for.

  7. I read her as uneducated follower of the deep state who will like Biden pull the strings making her like Biben a puppet.

  8. Come on we all know where she came from and how she got to the number two position in the USA. She was proven to be a bubble headed Peter eater by her own political party in 2020 in the primaries (you know the primaries Biden didn’t get selected for) yet here we are with the two worst politicians (?) the world has ever seen. Schizophrenia and dementia should not be anywhere near our nations leadership position. Look what said to Israel’s prime minister, disgraceful.

  9. How To Join White Dudes for Harris
    Yuri-original pathetic pasty poster boy memes for the Kamala 2024 campaign

    Yuri Bezmenov – Jul 30, 2024

    yuribezmenov. substack. com/p/white-dudes-for-harris-soy-npc-memes

  10. She is not black she is Indian and Jamaican. Obama was not black either. Go look it up. Trump will win in a landslide victory.American people are sick of gas prices food prices electricity prices mortgages and the Border Illegal Immigrants. Not abortion. That is all Democrats run on is abortion every one is Racist and take away law abiding citizens guns. The criminals can keep their guns. Defund the police ETC Etc. Trump 2024!!!!!

  11. she is one of the most dumb ass persons in charge of this country, and we have many, starting with obama.

  12. Kamalala is not the brightest bulb on the tree! I can just see her trying to intimidate putin, good luck with that! Or Kim Jung Un, or xi xinping. They would eat her alive, especially Putin! They hold No quarter for a stupid mouthy woman! They would not respect her, and would make an ass of her( not that she isn’t one already) she has NO chance of winning! Obama doesn’t want her in, and will see to it she won’t be. He may have ( faked) endorsed her, but that was just to take her off guard! He wants Mark Kelly of Arizona at the top of the ticket, and he will force an open convention to get his way! He knows full well that she can’t beat Trump. It is doubtful that Kelly or anyone else they “ install” could either. Trump will win by a landslide, unless the next assassination attempt is successful. Pray for Trump’s safety and God’s protection, he needs it! GO MAGA!!!!!!

    • I’ve stated before that the only way she will win is if the dems cheat again or they kill him. They have already tried and, unfortunately, they will try again. Pray to God that they fail.

  13. Cackling Kammy is a board certified nutjob. Her IQ can’t be much higher than her shoe size. A lot of idiots will vote for her just because she’s a woman, she’s a so-called minority, and a Democrap. She’ll be worse than dopey ol’ Joe. Heaven forbid that she ever becomes president.

  14. I Think She is Suffering with 2 Contradictory Medical Issues : Constipation on the Brain and Diarrhea of the Mouth !! Correct Me, If I’m Wrong !

  15. I agree with all the above comments! I continue praying God will protest Trump as he is our best hope of recovery for our nation.

  16. I think a cognatic evaluation is in order before the election

  17. With all of Kamala’s word salads, one wonders if it was the ‘Salad Bar’ and not the ‘Lawyer Bar’ that she passed!?!? Hope she becomes ‘tossed salad’!

  18. How many people wanted to impeach, try, convict and remove Biden without giving any thought to the fact that Harris would take over?

    Well, okay. Biden stepped down and now Harris steps in. And Democrat/Commies are solidly behind Harris AND THEY STILL OWN THE VOTE!!!

    Instead of taking issue with the MAJOR ISSUE of election fraud the GOP has betrayed us again by running away from it.

    UNLESS ELECTION FRAUD IS STOPPED NOTHING ELSE MATTERS! The DemoCommies can run Mickey Mouse and still win!

    C’mon, GOP. Keep a promise for a change! Put an end to ELECTION FRAUD!

  19. the reason the cabinet does NOT remove bidum is that would put Kamala in officially as the president and the US Citizens would actually see what they would be putting in the presidents Chair. Intelligent people would NOT vote for her if they saw what she really is. After the election bidum will be officially removed and she will take over. if she loses the election she will do as much damage to the rule of law as she can in the short time she will will have power. if she wins the same will hold true just more permanent damage will be done. Atotal lunatic will be ruling this country.

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