Kamala Harris was on edge after this scandal from her past was exposed in California

Kamala Harris entered the Presidential race with a lengthy track record as a left-wing radical. She was hoping that her past would stay buried.  And Kamala Harris was on edge after this scandal from her [...]


      • idiot, do your own research, its public record moe ron you cant protect toes up no
        matter how hard you and leftist MSM try

      • These aren’t opinions, they’re facts, are you trying to Pee on my boots and tell me it’s raining?

      • You know God damn well it’s not speculation! She’s a God damn loser and you just got to realize that unless you’re a dumb s*** too!

        • Because they don’t want to be caught, although in this day and age, they would skate right past the prison doors. The Left is constantly blaming the Right of doing what they themselves are guilty of.

    • Sugar Daddy Willie Brown’s Heels Up KamalToe and Tampon Stolen Valor Timmie Walz both still trying to flee from their weirdo dishonorable PAST !!!
      Horrible KamalToe should just give up and make a different horrible VP pick…

    • She slept her way into every job she ever had!She is a tramp and just like China joe, she has been milking the government forever! Totally unqualified and incompetent, she is unellectible! Worthless Nazi/democrats never get charged with any of their crimes! President Trump/Vance are our only hope here! The World is on Fire because of these progressive nutcases! Time to kick their asses out of DC!

      • One shouldn’t make stuff up to sound more important than they really are. Neither Harris nor President Biden has used their positions for personal gain unlike the Trump family that has violated the constitutions emoluments clause, grifting like np presidential family in our history.

        • if you really believe that jimmy I have some prime florida swamp with your name on it…youre a russian troll…bidets whole family has skimmed and scammed for 50 years, give me a f’in break…back to moms basement igor

        • I think Hunter Biden would disagree with that. If the Fudd in Chief hasn’t gained from his artist’s son dealings, I’ll see pigs fly next.

        • You’re completely bass ackwards here! You need to get your facts straight don’t be just another sheep!

        • You need to get your head back out in the air, everything you said about Trump is truly about Biden and Harris both, and many more of them. Be careful what you wish for because if it comes true, this country is in a terrible mess and may not ever be able to become THE TRUE AMERICA, HER CITIZENS ONCE HAD.

        • I have never read such defication in my life! Wake up and see what you’ve been stepping in!

      • That has been my understanding too Greg. That was known well back before she was.even appoints V.P!!!!!!!!!!

    • Mary Falla<< google (judge Joe brown)and get the entire story about (CAMBLE BACK-HARRIS)

    • Kamala and all her party supporters will ‘fly high’/ try to ‘hype out’ the American people, denying all the rhetoric she wreaked hovoc with in California and seeks to do so nationwide; not unlike her governor in that state. How she ever attained prosecutorial status, let alone senatorial and now presidential status is beyond my understanding. Is America really all that gullible?

      • She has always had a bed partner that has “friends, donators, and on brains to help her up the ladder, we all know she could not have done any of it with her real qualifications. Money certainly does talk and she found some good talkers. And when she debates Trump, if there is no Liberal interferences.

        • Every position Harris has had was legitimately elected by the citizens. Her “Real qualifications” are vastly superior to trump Late Professor William T. Kelley taught Marketing at Wharton School of Business and Finance, University of Pennsylvania, quote ” “Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had.”

        • Yep, Sugar Daddy Willie Brown’s Heels Up KamalToe and Tampon Stolen Valor Timmie Walz both still trying to flee from their weirdo dishonorable PASTS !!!
          Horrible KamalToe should just give up and make a different horrible VP pick…

      • Well for starters Harris was legitimately elected to every position by the public. California is rated #37 in the states economies. California beats 13 states mostly right wing states.

        • We live in COMMIEFORNIA. It’s a SH8THOLE. Gas 5.39 rent $2,500 food 30% higher etc. etc. etc. Illegals get it all for FREE.

      • Well like somebody else mentioned she slept her way up! Also claimed to be black in order to get her phony credentials through the lowering of standards!

    • The fascist right wing tyrants are the rapist and convicted felon Trump and his pro-Putin Republican cult who are stripping away our individual citizens protections enumerated in theBill of Rights.

      • Sounds like you are thoroughly confused James! You need to get your facts straight it’s the Demorats that are doing exactly what you’re stating and trying to put that on Republicans!
        You’re apparently one of the democratic type that believes a person must be guilty if they’re arrested, and act accordingly as a jurist!

  1. it is time that the American people woke up. Kamala does not care what happens to us and she will keep sleeping her way around. she coulld care less about the people of America. If you reall for America just look at her past record. People who know her will tell the truth about her.

  2. Vote for Trump and get these elitists out of office. The only thing they do is line their own pockets and we the people get stuck with the bill…….


  3. This is all so true, and it is coming out more and more. But some people are so gulible, if she tells them she will close the border and fund the polie,they will believe it. They call Trump names. He stood by what he says. He had the border under control, boosts the police, believes in a strong military, and care about our seniors. He did the years he was in office. Biden destroyed all that doing the opposite. If anyone believe this woman, they will be sorry. Remember when Biden promised all the great things, and the day he took over, he went back on those promises and started executing his orders to do what he please. She was VP under Biden and supported all the chaos that has been happening. And now with this pick for VP,you will have two destructive people ruling. People need to wake up already!

    • People aren’t gullible in this age of computers. People are just stupid. Trump, with all his faults, is so much better than the hoe from Commiefornia. She got her job when she suckle on Willy Browns brown willy.

  4. Kamala has committed a ton of crimes against America. Every crime must be accompanied by a mandatory punishment. Impunity breeds new crimes. What crime against America is this horrible creature, Harris, preparing this time?

  5. That’s all we need is another dumb ass black do nothing Asshole and her VP choice Old Yellow Stain what is he going
    To do when times get tough run and hide or quit. Two really dumb assholes .Another Obama want to be all mouth and no accomplishment the democrats way.

  6. Interesting how the most scandalous people rise to power in the Democrats offices as senators, governors, presidents.an vice presidents.thats what l have observed since I was old enough to vote. Evil people ruining good people lives.

    • That’s exactly why I left the Democratic party James about 30 years ago when I finally figured out that the biggest political liars in the world were Democrats, and I’m not saying that all the other parties don’t lie as well, but they don’t lie nearly as well as the Demorats! I have since become an independent but I’ve always voted for Trump who delivers what he promises! Even against All odds that the Demorats threw at him such as the phony Russian indictments! The Demorats always seem to accuse everybody else of exactly what they are doing wrong!

  7. Democraps are all followers just ask James Reed his commits will show this is true. Obama got his third term with bIDEN NOW HE’S GOING FOR HIS FORTH TERM. KEEP LIEING jAMES REED YOU MAY GET HIM IN THEIR YET.ASK ALL THE BLACKS WHAT HE DID FOR THEM HIS FIRST TWO TERMS

  8. The Border wall Trump was building estimated cost was a $21 billion. Biden has given 5 times that much to Ukraine, with no benefit to the American people, Trump was letting the Keystone pipeline to be built that would have lowered the price of oil, drilling was going on in Alaska and other places giving us more oil. We were exporting oil, the oil reserves were full. Biden stopped all this when he took office. Stopped the wall construction, stopped the Keystone pipeline, stopped the drilling in Alaska and other places, sold off our oil reserves, stopped exporting oil,The price of everything we need has gone thru the roof. Harris has done nothing and the Democrazts want her for our president? Crazy.

  9. All facts known before the elite stamped their approval. Known as the worst VP in the history of the USA All of her stances have no future….she is Anti American pro terrorist pro criminals and pro abortion (woman do have a choice and know they are accoutable for their own actions…not the taxpayers) She wasn’t “sleeping” while w/Willie Brown and g-d knows who else…she was on her knees working it

  10. Cackles is nothing but a hoe and shut. She’s evidently good at blow jobs. Look where being on her knees has gotten her. She’s nothing but trash.

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