Kamala Harris was blindsided when CNN gave her the worst news about Donald Trump

It seems Kamala Harris can’t seem to get out of her own way these days.  Her problems are becoming too big for the media to hide.  And Kamala Harris was blindsided when CNN gave her [...]


  1. The media can try all they’d like to put Kalama in America’s White House, but Americans know who belongs there to get our country back on track, and MAGA…and it’s President Donald J. Trump! Go President Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. MAGA is coming for you on November 5, “kammie” — and then your lame, phony campaign will be over, and become a minor footnote in our political history. Then you can go back to your state of California, and see the ruins it’s in … thanks to the greasy, estimable Governor Gav ( who also thinks he’s “presidential material ” ….. haaaaaaaa ! )

  3. Her parents were foreign students when she was born.Both parents need to have been American Citizens.They were not.

  4. Kalama is a person that misrepresents almost everything she says. Also everything her party did that was negative she blamed on the other party or Trump and everything Trump or his party did that was positive she took credit for.

  5. When the Democrats talk about how former President Donald Trump are trying to compare him to other dictators like
    Adolph Hitler and Stollen plus Mussolini but they should look at their own candidate instead because they are a lot more likely to be Dictators than President Trump.

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