Kamala Harris turned red with rage when a top Republican threw her this nasty curveball

Kamala Harris was used to being able to avoid the spotlight as Vice President. Now, she finds herself under the bright lights of a Presidential campaign. And Kamala Harris turned red with rage when a [...]


      • She is and has been corrupt abd the fact that she is as DUMB AS A DOOR is proof. She hasn’t been voted only anyone, and BUMBLING BIDEN PROVABLY WAS FORCED TO ENDORSE HER. SHE IS A LIAR AND A DESPICABLE PIECE OF HIMANITY

        • You sound like like dumb ass , that’s wants to be president from your party.

    • If I remember right the Republicans voted against securing the border when the bill was brought to the House of Representatives. Just a friendly reminder…..

      • No. What the Republicans voted against was a bill that would increase border patrol to speed up the immigration process that would push the illegals into our country at a much faster rate than they already were. It had nothing to do with securing our borders.

        • Wrong. The reason for the non-passage of the bill had to do with the fact that it changed almost NOTHING. It would limit the number of illegal immigrants to 1,500 daily with the President being given the Executive power to unilaterally override the limitation if and when he deemed necessary. What do you think Biden would do? It had little if a Toto do with specific legislation that would fast forward the process for legal entry. The determination for entry would be based upon if the individual was in fear of returning to his or her native country and could be defined by even a non-verbal facial expression. The legislation also included the provision that illegal immigrants would be provided free legal counsel if they needed such counsel. If you think that is fair, then you pay for the legal counsel.

      • No they didn’t want to throw more money at it when all Biden had to do is write another executive order to reverse the order when he took office, all to wipe out all that Trump accomplished

        • True. He ‘killed’ Pres Trump’s actions, by EO. All he had to do is put things BACK in place. Why the argument???? Talk about ‘despicable’?? Their choice- not our fault.

      • Just a reminder. There is an immigration bill s still sitting on chuck shumer’s desk in the senate never brought forward. The democratic bill is bullcrap it would not stop illegal aliens but make illegal immigration permanent? Check your facts like usual democraps Don’t tell you in their bill also would give twenty million illegal aliens amnesty!!

        • Thank you for clarifying. This administration is known for amending bills put up for approval that have nothing/little to do with the bill.

      • Another friendly reminder – The bill you’re speaking of wasn’t worth the paper it was printed on. HR2 was and is a good border bill sitting on Schumer’s desk.


      • This person (I’m being nice) is not fit to be president. She is an utter failure! No morals, no ethics, no smarts in running a country. We’ve had enough the last 3 1/2 years with a puppet government. NO!

        • I agree. If we let Kamala be our President, our country will suffer more than it already has suffered during Biden’s Presidency. We have to stop all these wrongdoings of the Democrats before our country fell.

      • The bill did not provide any real change to protect the border. The Biden administration does not need a new bill, they need to put the Trump policies Biden stopped by executive order the first few days of his presidency back in place. They also need to enforce our current laws.

      • trump voted against the democrat bill because there was already a law that was working only biden does not want the border closed he wants the illegal aliens to vote for the corrupt democrats

      • Well it also would have codified a permanent 5000 a day illegal immigrants allowed to when the goal is zero.

      • Yes true after Biden/Kamala attached extreme environmental issues onto original proposals. They can’t pass green now policies as a stand alone bill so sneak them into critical bills like immigration.

      • Omg that was a big lie coming from democrats. They’ve been fighting to close the border. Why can’t you people admit their mistakes? Mistakes so big that it’s costing our country to go down the tubes! That’s the democrats fault!

      • My only answer would be the Republicans passed a comprehensive immigration Bill over a year and a half ago and is still sitting on Schumer’s desk. The Bill you refer to legalized illegal immigration to over a million and a half each year.

      • That’s because the bill would not have “secured” the border. It would have accelerated the processing in of everyone and remove the optics of the chaos at the border. But it would not have implemented any new restrictions

    • Bidenspolicys were hers to and they cant stop hammering what afailure she is.Obama is her couch now so shes got the magic voice.They have to stop the bs shes telling

    • PEOPLE WAKE UP! We are losing our beautiful Country. Demon-crats have allowed the greeed and love of money to destroy our compassion for each other, love of family. God help us

    • Harris is the worse thing that can happen to our country, she will make it worse than it now with her policy if this the America you want ten go for it, but dont’ complain when you do because it will be worse then it is now.

    • Kamala is a giggling clown – laughing with nothing to laugh about. I think she has in her head a loose volt. The White House is not the place for her.
      She needs to get admitted to the mental hospital.

    • • first president to ever win office with assistance from another country
      • the first president to ever claim that his predecessor wasn’t an American
      • the first president to kick off his presidency with images of his inauguration the first person without government or military experience ever to be elected president of the United States
      • the that were found to have been edited after an intervention from trump, to show bigger crowds than had actually attended the event.
      • the first president ever to be impeached twice
      • the first chief executive in more than 150 years to refuse to attend his successor’s inauguration
      • the first president in 89 years, to lose the House, the Senate, and the office all in one term
      • the first to ask a Yazidi woman whose family was killed by IS: “where are they now?”
      • the first president to lose the majority vote twice in 129 years
      • the first president to not complete a second term in 28 years
      • the first president ever whose approval rating never reached 50% at any time during their term
      • the first president in history to have a party member support their conviction during an impeachment hearing
      • the first president to ever have an international arrest warrant filed against him
      • the first president to reject an election loss verdict
      • the very first president to ever fail to guarantee a quiet transition of power

      • Is your real name Morin?? I think you misspelled it, and it should be spelled, MORON. Because you sound just like bunch of people of the Dumbocratic party who have no idea what the real world is about and have just had a bunch of smoke blown up your posterior body cavity. And I would bet you voted for the ONLY person who was NOT a U.S. citizen.

  1. She is and has been corrupt abd the fact that she is as DUMB AS A DOOR is proof. She hasn’t been voted only anyone, and BUMBLING BIDEN PROVABLY WAS FORCED TO ENDORSE HER. SHE IS A LIAR AND A DESPICABLE PIECE OF HIMANITY

  2. Poor Kamala can she be any more stupid than she shows everytime she opens her mouth. Watch out Democrats your making a big mistake with Kamala. Please don’t ruin our BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY by VOTING for the individual that will DESTROY EVERYTHING AMERICA STANDS FOR


    • You ask if Harris can be any more stupid. Only everytime she opens her mouth. This incompetent pig and her democrat assholes are bound and determined to bring this country to it’s knees. Maybe if their bullshit rules 🤔 they want to make would effect them like they will effect the rest of us, they might possibly rethink their ideas. However, who knows, they might really be that stupid.

      • I Refuse to allow all the men and women who fought so bravely for OUR Country to have been for nothing!! We owe them that

      • The problem with their laws is they must love living in filth and stench and corruption, because they don’t know any better,that is what all good people know as white trash.

    • Dont forget she slept her way to power in CA, and Mayor Willie Brown had a relationship with her for a while and they she got to be senator. When she tried to run against Biden she got less than 1 percent backing from her home state and they all know her and her problems.

    • Cackling Kammy is a board certified nutjob. She’s as dumb as a rock and nuttier than a fruitcake. She cannot separate herself from dopey Joe Biden’s brain-dead, failed policies. She was part and parcel of all that. I notice she isn’t cackling as much as before. Maybe her handlers told her to cool it.

      • White House doctor confirmed to Biden that Harris has an extremely low IQ & recommended to Biden not to take her as his VP back in 2020, wish crooked Joe listened. Harris has done Nothing for our country but collect a healthy paycheck!!

  3. Kamala as President wil leave the door wide open and our adversaries will come right in and wipe us out . Kind of like the illegals here are already doing .. Pray for America we are sinking as a nation “ God save us”

  4. We all need to vote IN PERSON at our local Board of Elections as soon as it is legal to vote early!! Otherwise the dems will shut down the computer voting machines or rig them to cheat like they did in 2020, or they’ll discard our votes behind closed doors. The ONLY way to be sure your vote counts is to vote In Person at the Board of Elections and do it as soon as early voting is legal!! Take back our country and Make America Great Again!!

  5. The only people who should be voting by mail or internet would be military stationed away from our own shores and those in nursing homes, hospitals, etc. A lot of cheating happened with internet voting in our own state local elections. Those last minute internet votes were so one sided that it was obvious in some areas. Kamala is such a moron, who in their right mind could vote for her and her more of the same and worse!!

    • Amen to all the above comments. I couldn’t have said it more succinctly!!!!

      One thing I have to say is, in my opinion, anyone who votes for the Kameleon ought to have their car keys taken away!!!!

  6. It’s magic! The new Kamala is completely opposite of the Kamala a few months back! She’s taking the side of most Americans now! Really? Don’t fall for it! Kamala is a fraud in every sense of the word!

  7. you all said it Harris, will ruin our cty. and most of the dem. are to dumb to see it and will not change no matter what. So pls. vote as soon as you can and hope its not fixied like 2020

  8. It Wouldn’t Matter What Would Be To Upset Kamala Harris Because All You Would Have To Ask Is What Would Be Her Accomplishments Be While As Vice President And She Probably Wouldn’t Know What To Honestly Say About It.

  9. Kamala Harris Has Absolutely No Positive Accomplishments She Can Honestly Mention .
    Of Course She Would Be Upset Answering It .

  10. This issue is not rocket science, children. Every illegal immigrant is just that; illegal. Because they bring their family with them they make them illegal as well. They are allowed to break the law for one reason ONLY. Democrats want them to believe they are allowed here by liberals and will vote for liberals – legal or not. Close the border, send them All home. If they wish to be an American citizen they are welcome as long as they do it legally. Harris ignores the border because, like all Democrats she wants more voters – legal or not!

  11. I used to like mail in ballots but not anymore remember the suitcases that was full of mail in ballots that was hidden under the tables say not anymore that’s why everybody needs to vote in person and also prove that everybody has some form of photo ID. So go vote on November the 5th 2024 for Donald J Trump so we can make America great again

  12. How do you trust an individual that changes ethnicity to garner votes?
    Look her history up and see the opportunist changes she has made since high school.

  13. She needs to pay back the American Taxpayer for all of her failed BS on the border. Tgay lied from the start and they continue to lie to us to this very day.

  14. When I was a student at Georgia Tech, I met an old friend of my dad – Senator Richard B. Russell, D-Georgia, an Chairman of the Senate Armed Forces Comittee. In thosedays, out of respect for our elders, we often referred to older people as “Uncle” or “Aunt” based on which their legal medical recognition happened to be. I told “Uncle Dick” I would like to become a politician, go to Wasshington, and work with him to rid our Government of corrupt and dishonest politicians. “Uncle Dick” took a swig from his glass of bourbon and water, and asked, “Bobby, have you lost your mind, boy?” Again, I repeated what I had said, and “Uncle Dick’s” reply was simple: “Bobby, there ain’t no such thin as an honest politician. The only way you can get elected and stay in office is to lie, cheat, conive, smile and tell all your constituents you’ll support their wishes,and then do what you damned well please.” Both, my maternal and paternal family tree members had been Democrats since the time George Washington had the incident with the Cherry tree. But when Senator Dick Russell, a member of the Senate for over 40 years, explained to me the Democrats version of being a politician, I became a full fledged Republican. I am now 90 years old, served my Nation’s US Air Force for over 40 years total, and continue to see and hear the Democrat Party leaders try their damnedest to destroy what was the finest Nation in the world. The Democrat Party has cleverly converted a cherished Republic into modern communism. There are two prime goals for the Democrat Party, and they are absolute power and total wealth. The Democrat Party will promise a life of luxury, of endlesxs pleasure, of global leadership, but dreams are easily created into nightmares by Democrat Party leaders who will entice massive wars to acquire and increaseeven more power and wealth.

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